Shit [1]

54 2 9

"Roses are red
Violets are blue
I love you



The man grabbed on to me with his surprisingly strong hands and pushed me down with all the force he could an practically broke my back as I hit my back on the hard ground. I screamed for help, no one answered. He ducktapped my mouth shut and striped his clothes off and mine... the rest is history. ( Aka I don't feel like writing about... that)

I woke up in the hospital with memories of yesterday on repeat in my mind. I put a pillow over my head and screamed. The nurse heard me and rushes into the room only to find me with a pillow over my head and a sobbing mess.

"Hey mis Fox, are you alright?"
The nurse awkwardly asked me.

I ground lengthening the 'O'

"All i have are memories in my head of last night.."

"I'm sorry mis.. I could give you some pain killers or-"

"Yes! Give me them please!"

"Okay okay I'll be back with some and a glass of water."

The nurse walked out and I was left alone again with my thoughts.

'Pain killers huh? Sounds like a nice time'

The nurse walked back in and gave me 3 pain killers and water, I swallowed the pain killers and laid back down onto my pillow.

"So, I wasn't allowed to give you pain killers so I actually gave you melatonin so you could fall asleep."


"Sorry, but goodnight mis Fox."

I soon fell asleep.

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