Plane ride to love? [3]

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"WILLOW WAKE UP, WE'LL BE LATE!" I slowly got up and got dressed into comfortable clothes and grabbed my backpack with my carry-ons. This will be a long 10 hours.

My family and I get on the plane, put our things away, and sit at our seats. After about 10 minutes, the pilot announces that the plane will start going in about 30 seconds, and to get into a comfortable position. After about 30 seconds the plane starts moving. After about 15 minutes, I fall asleep.

"Willow, wake up. We're about to land." I wake up to my mother. "Damn I slept 10 hours?" "Yep, I was surprised.. your father wasn't." My mother looked over to my father. "What? She sleeps like a log!" I ignore there bickering of how I sleep and start to get ready for the landing.

After we landed, we did what we need. Grabbed our stuff from up above us, exited the plan, grabbed our stuff from pick up, then left. We got in an Uber and went to our new house.

We made it to our new house, I jumped out of the car and ran to the house and entered it. I ran to the bedroom I thought was mine but it was a bathroom. I closed the door of the bathroom and ran upstairs to my actual room I entered the room and set my stuff down.

"Excited, huh?" My father entered the room. "Very!" I responded quickly. "I've always wanted to go to England. Wait- isn't this where Forest lives?" I said, but I was confused when My Father's eyes widened. "We need to talk."

"Wait- so Forest is dead?!" "Yes.. I'm sorry I didn't tell you I just didn't know how at the time." "So that's why Mom was so upset..?" I asked. "Yep.. I'm sorry you never got to meet her in person." My Father hugged me. "No, no it's okay I didn't know her very well anyways there's no reason for me to be sad." I responded in a cheerful voice or, as cheerful I could sound.

I sat down against a tree and stared at the sunset. "Beautiful innit?" I heard a voice behind me. "Ahh-" I jumped. "I'm so sorry to scare you!" I looked behind me, there was a tall blonde boy behind me he was surprisingly pretty. "Oh no, your fine." I said to him. "Mind if I sit with you?" He asked. "Not at all." I chipped. "So, mind telling me you name?" I asked him. "Oh yeah, it's tom, but you can just call my tommy." He responded. "Okay Tommy." I said. "And yours?" "Willow." I responded to Tommy. "Pretty." "Thank you" I thanked him. "Of course."

Words: 458

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