bad news [12]

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Willow: Normal

"You need to tell me all you remember ma'am. Did you know the guy?"

The nurse was sweet but I just didn't have the strength the say anything.

"Willow? Are you okay?"

I heard a familiar voice say, I turn around and there's Ran, tears streaming down his face.

"Are you okay?" I hold a hand out for comfort.

"Willow, I asked you first."

Ran smiled obviously knowing what he was doing, I smiled at the goofy smile he had on his face. It was a mixture of pride, sadness, and humor.

"Nuh-uh" I reply jokingly.

"Sir, can you leave? I need to talk to willow." I looked at the nurse then back at Ran, his eyes met mine then the nurses.

"Sure." He said the closed the door.

The nurse turned to me and i met her gaze.

"Did you know the person?" I nodded. "Do you have a name?"

"Sebastian, I don't know the last name though."I said looking away from the nurse.

The nurse wrote down what I said then looked at me.

"That's fine, how many times has he done this?" "I can't remember"

My mind immediately goes to all the times he jas done this, they all replay in my head over and over.

My hands start to shake, then follows my arms and down to my whole body.

The nurse realizes what's happening and trys to calm me down by putting a hand on my thigh.


The nurse jumps back and Wil knocks on the door.

"Is everything alright in there?"

"Yes thank you!" The nurse exclaimed

<time skip>

"Thank you!" Wil waves to the police and nurses as they leave.

Wil looks over to me then to Ran then back to me. Tom had left with the police as they offered to take him home. Now it was just Wil, Ran and I.

We then get some news.


That's it for today.

Go eat, sleep, drink some water and go do that homework.

Roses Are Red [&lt; Ranboo X OC &gt;]Where stories live. Discover now