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Andrew March walked down the street, enjoying the sunny, but snowy day in Chicago. Each store he passed was decorated beautifully with Christmas decorations. Lights were strung beautifully on the light posts.

Chicago was always beautiful on snowy days. But it did make it hard to walk when there was ice and snow mixed.

He needed to find Christmas gifts for his family. He had already found Mini and Macie's gifts, he just needed his parents. He didn't know what to get his mom, or that she would even remember who gave it to her.

Every day the older woman was getting worse by the second. Andrew didn't know what to do. He felt like the weight of the world was on him. He didn't know how to fix the problem. That is what bothered the young man most, not being able to help his mom. His father was getting tired of it all.

She had attacked him and Andrew on multiple occasions. The two men couldn't handle it anymore. Andrew knew it sounded bad to say out loud. But it was true. Everyone he talked to, made it seem like it was a horrible thing for them to just give up.

He wondered what they would do if they were put in the same situation. He figured they would do the same thing that they were working on doing. Sending her to a place that could help her. Or they hoped could help her.

Andrew soon made it to Macie's small café where he was to meet Macie and Mini. The two sisters had told him, they needed his help with something. He didn't know what. But he came anyway. He was their big brother, he would do anything for the two.

As he walked in Mini and Macie stood behind something, Andrew couldn't tell what it was. But the two sisters only giggled.

"What is that?" He asked.

Again they laughed and Andrew became more suspicious of the two.


Kelly Luna had been going over her court case. The case was a long, hard, and cold case, that she wouldn't give up on. Everyone else had given up, but Kelly didn't want to give up. So far the defense was winning.

Which meant the man who murdered thirteen young girls was going to walk free. Kelly couldn't let that happen. With her testimony, she hoped that she could put the man away for life. Or have him be put on death row. Either way worked for Kelly to get justice for those girls.

The trial would be continuing soon. And Kelly knew she needed to hurry before the trial started again at three-thirty. As it soon hit two-thirty-five Kelly cleaned up the papers that were laid on her desk at the police station.

Kelly didn't want this man to walk. But he had a good case. Kelly knew she had an even better one, at least she hoped so.

Kelly got up from her desk once she was done putting the papers away and slowly made her way toward her car. As she got closer to her car, she felt that someone was watching her, she made a quick 360 look around, and when she didn't see anyone she started to her car again.

As soon as she got to the car she spotted, Agent Cory Wade, walking toward her. If he stopped to talk to her, she was going to be late for court. But if Cory had something on the Alex Gordon case, she wanted to hear about it.

"Detective Luna." He said to her.

"Agent Wade, can I help you?" she asked him.

"I'd like to know more about Dominic." he glared at her. She didn't like the look in his eyes. Once he said Dominic's name his body language changed. Kelly couldn't place it, but Cory was probing.

"And why would you like to know more about Dominic Wayne?" Kelly questioned him. If he was going to question her, she might as well question him back.

Something was off about Cory and she didn't like it. Cory came in and acted like he owned the place, taking over a case he had no jurisdiction over.

If Alex Gordon had something to do with federal, then Cory had every right. But Alex didn't, as far as Dominic and Danny knew.

Kelly looked up at Cory before walking away.

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