The Third Step (Entirely in English)

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Aryan slid the blue mug across the counter to a lost Imlie as he stood in the Rathore kitchen, smirking. "See? At last, I made the coffee." Seeing Imlie in a loss of words and perhaps even attention, he stepped in closer, ready to engage in a demanding conversation.

"Imlie? What did you think? That I can't make coffee? I'm Aryan Singh Rathore. Forget coffee, if necessary, I can make cake as well."

Snapping his fingers lightly, Aryan now had Imlie staring right at him with her hungry brown eyes. Hungry? No, maybe not hungry. But there was something different about her stare.

"ABP." Imlie looked away, hesitant to lay down her thoughts in front of The Aryan Singh Rathore. She was never one to hold back and now she was shying away from her ABP, her best friend. Her husband.

"Imlie, what happened? Did I say too much? Look, I'm sorry, okay? I was just playing." Aryan set down his mug on the counter top, his palm reaching Imlie's shoulder. Softly rubbing his finger on her exposed skin, he cupped her chin, directing it upwards. Imlie's eyes followed.

"ABP, I'm not mad at you, but what should I do? I.." Her eyes were moist, her lips parted. Scanning Aryan's face softly, she proceeded to voice out her complaints.

"You always give loans of your words, but you have to clear those. Today." Her voice broke as she finished her sentence staring deeply into her Akkadbagge's brown eyes.

"Imlie, I've given a lot of loans, so I don't know how I'll.." He furrowed his eyebrows in what seemed like frustration, prompting Imlie's clear explanation.

"That loan. From that night. The third step." Aryan stood bedazzled, his restless eyes darting back and forth as he tried to remember. Oo? What oo? Wait. The third step that he had held back on. But wait. Was Imlie really asking him to kiss her?

"I think you've remembered, Aryan." His name. Butterflies fluttered in his stomach as he stood still, noticing Imlie's fire. This girl was no joke. She had the guts to tease him relentlessly, in broad daylight, and most importantly, under his roof. As Aryan was lost in his thoughts of showing her who's boss, well, in the house, Imlie broke out of his hold, skipping down the hallways and into their bedroom.

"What nonsense is this Imlie?!" Aryan shouted, embarrassed to be teased by Imlie, a girl ten years younger than him. He had to get back at her tonight. Then only he could breathe at ease.

"ABP!" Imlie's screams sent Aryan dashing to their bedroom where a fire had engulfed the bed and all the curtains around it. Luckily the sofa was unaffected. Using her hands to put out the fire caught onto the bed, Imlie was relieved when Aryan hosed down the bedroom, leaving everything hot and wet. Hm. Everything.

"Imlie, you're okay right?" Aryan hugged her tightly, his hands running down her hair. "ABP I'm alright, but the bed? It's ruined." Aryan loosened his grip on Imlie as he carefully heard what she was saying in between the lines. The bed's ruined, meaning us both on the sofa...

"Yeah um, I'll do something. How can we sleep on the sofa? I mean, I'll order new furniture. It'll be here before bedtime."

Imlie nodded, disappointed in her husband. Here she was dropping hint after hint but he was dimwitted. Even after being the owner of 10+ businesses, he was a total dumbo. Gosh. When would he understand that she was ready to move forward in their relationship? That she craved his touch, his lips on her?

"Dumbass" she muttered, as she got up and fixed her sari, which luckily, wasn't burnt to shreds.

"What? Imlie, what has happened to you today? Why are you speaking in this weird manner?"

"YOU'RE AN IDIOT! That's what I just said. You don't understand anything ABP." The frustration she had could be heard, if only Aryan could hear it.

"Ms. Wild. I'm an idiot. I'm egoistic. I'm Mr. Long Car. And you? You're perfect? Imlie I'm so done with this. I'm not understanding anything. I'm going for a jog."

Walking towards the bathroom, he stopped to remind her about the rest of the family. "Sundar and my sister are going for their honeymoon, and mom is planning to attend an all night chanting session. I don't know when I'll come home. I have to go to the office as well. I need some space."

Imlie stood dejected, slightly nodding to Aryan's words so he would get out of the room faster. Why were things getting so hard all of a sudden? And why was she being so childish? Why was she desperate for closeness with such a moody clown?


Aryan dropped his earbuds and phone on the dining table. His eyes searched for Imlie but she was nowhere to be found. That was strange. She was usually in the kitchen during this time, preparing dinner while dancing to the tunes of Ainvayi Ainvayi. What a lucky man he was to have such a wife, full of laughter and joy. Smiling, he walked into the kitchen to find two servants preparing a plate of rajma and chawal.

"Did anyone see Imlie madam?"

"Sir, actually madam's health.."

Panicking, Aryan rushed to his bedroom, his heartbeat racing. He found Imlie sitting on her chair, her eyes closed, her palms facing upwards. What in the..

"Imlie?" he called out in a gentle manner, so as to not awaken her. "ABP?" Imlie opened her eyes to a vision of Aryan sitting on his knees, a yearning visible in his eyes.

"What happened to you? Why didn't you call me? I'm your husband so I have the right to know!"

"Mr. Egoistic shh!" Not long after Imlie lifted her hand to shut Aryan up did he notice the real issue. His stupid wife had suffered a burn injury on her palms. Grabbing her arms tightly, he vented.

"You're crazy Imlie. I'm so tired of your stunts! Falling, getting lost, hell! Getting kidnapped! I'm so tired of it all. I'm here to save you every time so that's okay. But what if..." With a cracked voice, he continued to confess. "What if I'm not there the next time? What if something happens to you Imlie? I would never forgive myself. I'd die."

Imlie's heart broke upon hearing those words from her mirror reflection. Her and Aryan were one and the same, and she couldn't bear to see him breaking down. She needed to assure him that she would be okay. Always.

"ABP why are you saying that? Nothing will happen to the both of us. I promise you." Wrapping her arms around his neck, she buried her face in his chest which was drenched in sweat and tears. Aryan's tears rolled off his cheek onto hers.

"ABP I..."


"I lo.."


"I love..."

A knock on the door cut the conversation midway. Imlie slid her wrists off of Aryan's neck as the couple posed awkwardly, startled by the sudden sound. "Sir, your aunt and Preeta have gone out. Jyoti madam is also somewhere outside I believe. Dinner is ready for you."

"Okay Rajesh. Thank you."

Imlie and Aryan locked eyes, their hearts racing from the heavy moments they had shared. She couldn't help but stare at his wet collarbone while his eyes were glued to her parted lips. Shaking off his romantic thoughts, Aryan approached and opened the bedroom door, extending a hand as a signal to Imlie that they should go eat.

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