A Wonderful View

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I smile at the sight of Moon. "HIIIIII!" I say, excited to see him again. It feels more special to see Moon, especially since I don't get to see him as often, usually going home when night shift begins to avoid being sleep deprived.

"It feels as if we've never met before, especially now with your new... attire," Moon says, looking over my outfit and helmet. "It's a nice glow up if you ask me." Moon grins at his own pun, since my outfit glows in the dark.

"Ah, so you think you're a real funny guy, ay?" I ask, raising my eyebrow. He stands up and walks close to me.

"I know I'm very hilarious," He says, looming over me. Despite he's only 7 feet, it still feels intimidating.

"Back away from the rainbows," Jorge says, stepping towards us.

"Yeah, pretty sus of you to be that close." I cringe the second I say those words.

But Moon stares at me for a few seconds, this confused look on his face. "What does sus mean?" He asks. Me and Marq break down laughing as Moon stands there with no answer.

"Well, I'll let you two catch up. Moon, you're free to leave. ___, make sure he doesn't do anything stupid, understood?" Marq says.

"Why would Moon do anything stupid? He's the one who's gonna make sure I'm not doing anything stupid!" I say truthfully. Moon nods in agreement.

"Oh well. Moon, you can leave the room, I want to talk to ___ for a second," Marqsays. Moon looks from me to him, then back to me. I shrug, having no idea what it's about. Moon decides to leave, but I know that he's going to be waiting outside of the room.

"Why do you need to talk to me?" I ask Moon when Moon shuts the door.

"I'm not going to judge you at all for your answer, So please be honest with me, ok?" Marq asks. I nod, anticipating the question. "Do you like Sun and Moon?" He asks me.

"Of course! they're my partners in crime! Not literally but-"

"That's not what I mean. I mean, do you like like them?" Marq looks directly into my eyes, serious.

"Well... I'm not sure, actually. They're both so sweet and they care a lot about me and everyone else. I admire that, I really do. And ever since my first day here as a security guard, They both always made me feel welcome. I know they're just animatronics, but sometimes... I feel as if they're a real person." I didn't realize I was looking away, but when I look back at Marq, he's smiling sincerely.

"You know, I wasn't asked to do these upgrades. I requested to do them for you. I could already tell you were attached to them even before we even met. I wanted to do those upgrades so that not only are they safer for the children, they're more lively. I can tell you like them two, whether you'll admit it to yourself or not. I just hope those upgrades help it feel normal."

"Marq, thank you." I hug him without warning, and he hugs back.

"Moon's been waiting for a while. You should go," Marq says, letting go of the hug. I nod before walking out of the room. Moon is, of course, standing right next to the door.

"So, what was that all about?" Moon asks as we both walk back towards the daycare.

"Oh, it was nothing, really," I say, not looking at him.

Moon walks in front of me and stops, causing me to stop as well. "You would be a genius to make a 3 minute conversation over nothing. Tell me, what were you really talking about?" He asks me.

"Well, Jorge was telling me how he had requested those upgrades for me, which is odd, I know. Then he went out of his way to upgrade my mask, too. It took three minutes because of all the thanks I gave him." I nervously laugh.

Moon gives me one more stare before stepping off to the side so we can continue our walk back to the daycare. We pass by all the familiar places without saying a word. That is, until...

"___, I want to show you something," Moon says. He grabs my hand and we swiftly walk to a room I've never been in before. It's labeled "Maintenance Only". If I get caught, I will blame it on Moon.

Inside the room is a bunch of your average maintenance supplies. It looks mostly of electrician stuff. With all of these animatronics here needing to be recharged constantly, There's been a few times where the power went out during a mass charge. It's a good thing they only happened after-hours.

There's ladder at the end of the room and without hesitation, Moon let go of my hand and starts climbing up it. I decide to follow him up. It's a decent length of climbing through a narrow hole in the ceiling. I wonder where we're going...

Finally, we reach the end of the ladder and Moon opens up a trap door of some sort. He climbs through it, then reaches down and hold out his hand. I take it and he helps me climb up the rest of the way.

I realize shortly after we're on the roof of the pizza plex. It's very high up, almost seven times the size of an average one story building. I look to Moon, and he gestures his arm out. I look to where he shows me and I'm amazed.

With the building so tall and us so high up, I can see most of the town from here. I can even see my apartment! It's so wonderful. I hadn't seen anything like this. At least not since I rode a roller coaster when I was a child.

"It's a wonderful view, isn't it?" Moon asks me, stepping closer. I nod, still looking down at the city.

I never want to come back down.

Sunshine and rainbows {Rewriting soon.}(Sun x female)Where stories live. Discover now