hotel concert

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eventually the boys finally came out, showing me their outfits.

"both of you look amazing" i said, making them both smile, martinus then came out to the corridor, whispered into my ear.

"marcus wants to pick out your outfit"

"it's okay" i said.

"just come" marcus said, overhearing the conversation and dragging me to the room, closing the door behind both of us as i blushed.

"okay.." he said, opening his wardrobe and looking through his clothes.

he eventually gave me one of his shirts and some jeans, as well as a leather jacket.

the shirt was blue and the jeans were black, as well as the leather jacket.

"thanks" i said.

"no worries" he said, making eye contact and then smiling, before leaving the room.

i started to change into his clothes whilst he was waiting outside to see if the outfit was okay.

once i've changed, i said he could come in.

he started laughing.

"what?" i said, a bit confused.

"the pants, they're massive on you" he said.

i smiled "but they're comfortable, could i like- wear a belt if you have one?"

"sure" he said, smiling and going back into the wardrobe to give me a belt.

as i was sliding it through the loops on the waistband, i couldn't get it through the back.

"can you help?" i asked, struggling.

"sure, just hold your shirt up a bit so i can see" he said.

i lifted my shirt up to my bra. 

he paused for a moment, before continuing, which confused me.

"done.." he said, slightly unhappy.

i pulled the shirt back down.

"what's wrong" i asked, turning around and facing him.

"your back" he said.

i made a confused face towards him, but that face had faded away into a slightly uncomfortable and unhappy face when i realised.

it was the scar running across my back that had made him sad.

"it's okay-" i said.

"i'm so sorry" he said.

"it's not your fault" i said.

"it is, i threw you into that water, i didn't think it would SCAR you." he said.

i just pulled him into a hug, as he didn't even touch me back at all.

"let's just go-" i said.

i was scared he would've seen my sad face when he noticed my back.

and it has ruined my mental health in some ways, i didn't like the way it looked, and i still don't, and that kind of..crushes my confidence in a way?

me and marcus made our way to the kitchen where martinus was waiting.

"marcus wore that outfit before" martinus said.

"he did?" i asked, looking back at marcus who had appeared.

he avoided eye contact, looking down at the floor ahead of him.

"marcus?" martinus said, trying to get his attention my swinging his arm in front of his eyes.

"what?" he said, now looking up.

"you good?" he asked.

"yeah yeah, doesn't matter, let's just go"

"okay, i already got the driver to pick us up" martinus said.

i didn't know what kind of driver he was talking about until we got to the street, where a private driver had picked us up.

by private driver i mean, ONLY marcus and martinus could call him to pick them up.

the car was also matte black, and had gold highlights on the wheels, which made it look all expensive and stuff.

we drove for about 15 minutes until we got to a massive hotel.

we went through the lobby, two security guards guarding me, and four guarding the twins.

i felt special, but all eyes were on marcus and martinus when they walked through the door.

fans were screaming, face paint, album covers and pens, photos, phones flickering; it was crazy.

and theh told me it would've been a small concert but it had consisted of about 200 people when we got to the room.

there was a paper wall which separated the stage from the backstage, the paper wall had marcus and martinus on it; but when they were kids.

and backstage was where i sat with some other people, like the makeup lady and staff.

the concert wasn't like those rows of chairs either, it was like a hotel restaurant; tables with lots of comfortable chairs around.

it was so cool though.

i sat backstage for most of it, and the twins weren't only singing, but also answering questions throughout.

one question stood out to me though.

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