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The young boy, no older than 8, swung his feet slowly back and forth as his gaze shifted from the carpet back to the door. He could hear his father's voice faintly from behind the door, but he couldn't hear the words clearly. Despite his better than normal hearing, his father's voice was too far for him to listen in. 

He could still feel the slight shake in his body, and despite his best efforts, he couldn't quite seem to get himself to stop. His gaze wandered around the room, observing the paintings and tapestries that had covered the walls under the light of the moon that streamed in from the large windows. 

The boy hadn't spoken a word since him and his father had arrived in Auradon, a fact that no one could really blame the child for. Refugees from Wonderland, never talked that much. Especially not the young ones, who were forced to witness so much death as they tried to escape.

The Cheshire Cat wasn't even sure if his son fully knew what had happened there. 

Ozzy's ears perked up when he heard the click of the door, his father stepping through, still speaking quietly with the king.

"Thank you so much for your help, your majesty," The Cheshire Cat told him, trying his best at attempting a smile, "I can't possibly repay you for your kindness."

"There's no need for that," The king said, "I'm glad to help you and your son until you can handle doing it on your own."

Ozzy's father nodded, turning his attention back to his son.

"Come on, Ozzy," he said softly, taking his son's hand, "We're going now."

"Can we go home?" Ozzy asked, "'m tired dad, I wanna go home."

"We can't go home, kitten," His father said, reaching down and picking his son up, settling him on his hip, "Not yet. We're going to stay somewhere else for a while, alright?"

Ozzy gave a sleepy nod, yawning and resting his head on his father's shoulders.

"Thank you again for your help."


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