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See I'm in a position of power where, if I so please, I can make Ozzy look like one of those fuckers from the movie CATS-

If it were up to Ozzy, he would have gone back to his dorm and slept until noon. It was too warm to focus on any classes that day, and the rude awakening he had that morning had left him so tired. 

Then again, when did he ever get what he wanted?

"I'm sorry about Kanin," Carroll said as he slipped into the chair next to him, "They really don't mean anything by it."

Ozzy lifted his head a bit from where it was tucked into his arms, laying his head against the desk. He stared up at him for a long moment, trying to find something false behind the awkward grin that the prince was giving him. There was a bit of concern behind his gaze, who it was for though, Ozzy didn't know.

"No, I'm sure they do," Ozzy hummed, sitting up fully and rubbing any remaining sleep from his eyes, "I don't know if you've noticed, your highness, but they hate me."

"They don't hate you, they just..." Carroll moved his hands a bit, trying to find the right words, "They haven't really... been around people before."

"They haven't been around people?" Ozzy asked, raising an eyebrow, "They grew up in your mom's court."

"You think that's a good place for someone to grow up?" Carroll asked, tilting his head at him, "Come on Ozzy, you're a runaway, you should know better."

Ozzy rolled his eyes at him, resting his chin on his hand as he continued to stare at Carroll. The prince seemed tense around him, a fact that Ozzy couldn't exactly blame him for. He wasn't the nicest to the twins when they first got to Auradon. He felt a little bad about it, sure, that's probably why his tail was moving on its own, encircling Carroll's wrist.

"Tell me, does Kanin actually feel bad or did your sister yell at them?" Ozzy asked, leaning a little closer towards him, "I've noticed they tend to only listen to you two."

"She didn't yell-" 

"Oh shit, she hit them again?"


"What?" He asked, "Am I wrong?"

"She has our mother's temper," Carroll tried, "She can't really help it."

"She's the only one?" Ozzy asked, reaching over and pulling his tail away, "Not saying they don't deserve it, but I've seen you both get mad at them."

"I'm not here to talk to you about the anger issues that run in my family," Carroll said, trying to change the subject quickly, "I'll try to get Kanin to be nicer to you."

"Good luck with that," Ozzy said, rolling his eyes, "He's almost as stubborn as Aziz."

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