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Kanin genuinely is not aware of what they are doing or how they act towards Ozzy, and instead of helping them, the people they came to Auradon with, just yell at them for not understanding.

"Kanin what the hell is wrong with you?" Rose snapped, the moment the three of them were alone again.

"I didn't do anything!" They insisted, "I was only joking around with him!"

"Joking?" She asked through what sounded like a scoff, "Joking? Are you serious?"

Kanin flinched back slightly as Rose took a step towards them.  They weren't quite used to talking back to either of them without some sort of backlash, and damn Rose knew how to hit.

Carroll lingered a little behind, eyeing the two cautiously. He'd always been the more relaxed of the twins, not inheriting his mother's anger to the same extent. Not to say he'd never been angry, but at least when Carroll was mad, Kanin really knew they fucked up. 

"I didn't mean anything by it!" They insisted, "Really, I didn't."

"Stop lying, Kanin," Rose shot back, "You're nothing but antagonistic to him!"

They weren't lying. They weren't! How were they supposed to know that Ozzy would take it in a bad way.

"I'm not trying to be!"


She was stopped from getting any closer by Carroll grabbing her arm, gently pulling her away and allowing a little more distance between the two. 

"Kanin, this isn't Wonderland," He said, his voice stern almost in a scolding tone, "You acting like that may have been acceptable in our mother's court but not here."

"What am I doing?" They asked, feeling their ears droop a little bit, "I wasn't trying to hurt him!"

"Are you seriously that dense?" Rose asked, her voice almost mocking as she continued, "And you call Ozzy the dumb one."

"Rose," Carroll snapped, "That's enough."

"No, how can they not understand?" She asked, redirecting her attention towards her brother, "The flowers back home could understand it better than they can!"

"What am I doing?" Kanin asked again, cutting off Carroll's response.

They hadn't meant to hurt anyone, but Carroll was right, this wasn't Wonderland. It certainly wasn't the Red Queen's kingdom. There it had been filled with people desperate for some kind of approval from the queen, and that was earned by putting everyone else there now. Carroll and Rose still did it, why the hell was it so wrong when they did?

"You're going to apologize to him," Carroll said, not responding to Kanin's question, "And you're going to do it without complaint."

"I didn't do anything wrong," Kanin insisted, "Why do I need to apologize?" 

"Just do it, Kanin," He sighed, "It'll make things easier for the rest of us."

"But why-"

"Are you going to disobey your prince?" Rose asked, smirking at them, "Why Kanin, you know the punishment for that."

The punishment was hanging. The queen would order her guards to hang them by a noose on a tree, only pulling them down as the victim was loosing consciousness. It was hell and the last thing that Kanin wanted to be on the reciving end of.

Again that is.

"Rose, stop," Carroll warned, pulling her away again, "We're not in Wonderland."

"Yet, Kanin still answers to our mother," She hummed, "She still has jurisdiction over them."

"Kanin, make this easier for yourself," Carroll sighed, letting his twin go, "Please."

"Fine," They said, slouching a little bit, "Fine, I'll apologize."

"Thank you, Kanin."

"It won't be a good one."

"For your sake, it better be your best."

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