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The rest of the day went by in a bit of a blur, and Kanin found themselves stumbling back into their dorm room to drop off his things before heading to Ozzy's dorm. They hoped to whatever god was out there that they would be alone in the dorm so that they could at least attempt to recollect themselves before they went out, but of course, that prayer was left unanswered. 

"You're late," Carroll noted from where he was sitting on the bed, reading a book and not sparing Kanin a glance, "I thought I told you to get here as soon as class was over."

"I got here as fast as I could," Kanin said softly, setting their books carefully on their desk before hesitantly approaching Carroll's bed, "I'm sorry, I'm not myself today."

Carroll glanced up at him, his eyes grazing up and down Kanin's body before eventually settling on looking at their chest, right over their heart.

"I think it's best for you to take that off," He commented, standing up and tracing his fingers along the white rose sewn into Ozzy's jacket, "You've been punished enough today."

Kanin swallowed and shakily reached up to unzip the jacket under Carroll's watchful eyes and folded it carefully to place on their bed. 

"I'm going to return it," They said softly, keeping their head bowed, "You won't see it on me again after today, I promise."

Carroll made a soft humming noise as he tilted their head up to make them look at him.

"You know I hate hurting you," Carroll said so gently, it almost sounded real as he traced his fingers along the bruising on Kanin's waist and neck, "You look so... well, let's say that this bruising doesn't exactly make you appealing to the eye."

"I'm sorry that I made you hit me," They said quietly, almost robotically, keeping their eyes trained on Carroll's while keeping his expression carefully ashamed, "I should have known better than to provoke you, I've grown too comfortable here, I forgot my place."

Carroll made a noise of approval as he drew back, sitting on his bed and patting the spot next to him, smiling up at them with something that could be perceived as kindness. Kanin hesitated for only a moment before they took a seat beside their prince, leaving a gap between the two for their own comfort. Carroll made a small disapproving noise, causing them to shift a little closer in an attempt to keep him in what seemed to be a good mood. He didn't say anything beyond that, simply grabbing their upper arm and pulling them closer, almost onto his lap.

"You're seeing Ozzy later, aren't you?" He asked, tilting his head as he kept his hand firmly on their waist, "I need you to do me a little favor, bunny."

Kanin was unsure if they were supposed to speak, but after the silence stretched to the point of being uncomfortable, they softly asked, "What do you need me to do, my prince?"

"My mother has gathered some information," He hummed, holding them a bit closer to him, "I want you investigate for me."

"What did she learn?" Kanin asked, wincing a little bit at the familiar order, "What does that have to do with Ozzy? If I may ask, that is."

"Well, you'll need to know for this, Bunny," He said, "The Cheshire Cat is said to be returning to Wonderland under the orders of the white queen. You are meant to gather as much information about this as possible. We don't know why he's going there, we need to know if it's... well, if it's an executable offense."

Kanin froze. Knowing the red queen, knowing her standards, they'd find some way to kill him, and Kanin didn't want any part in that. Ozzy had lost one parent to the Queen already, they would not be involved in the loss of the other. 

"I-... He hates me," Kanin said softly, their mind scrambling for an excuse to turn down this direct order, "He'd never tell me anything regarding that, he doesn't trust me."

"You've found ways around people not wanting to talk before," Carroll hummed, reaching into the bedside drawer and pulling out a small, hardly noticeable microphone as his eyes locked on Ozzy's jacket, "You know how to sew, don't you bunny?"

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