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More Ozzy and Aziz content for y'all! Also, there's Xavier! Pre his break-up with Ambrose, that is.

The pair of them had fallen back into a peaceful silence, Aziz going back to his papers and textbook with Ozzy sitting across from him at the desk, staring intently at the other boy. His eyes were always something that Ozzy adored, a lovely dark brown that reflected beautifully with the light shining on them. It was almost frustrating to him how pretty he was. It was simply unfair. Ozzy had busied himself with rolling a pen back and forth on the table, eventually picking it up and twirling it around with his fingers, looking over the papers with Aziz. 

"So, what did Kanin do this time?" Aziz hummed, glancing over at Ozzy and upon seeing his confused look added, "Carroll said that you guys got into some sort of fight?"

"I wasn't really a fight," Ozzy hummed, his ears twitching a bit, "They were just annoying again." He rolled his eyes, "They don't like me that much, you know. They're awfully rude."

"Didn't they-"

"Grow up in the Queen's court?" Ozzy finished for him, raising an eyebrow, "Yeah. They did. They've also been in Auradon long enough to know better."

"It takes a while to unlearn stuff," Aziz said with a small shrug, "It took nearly a year for me to-" He paused, "Well... the point is he needs time. I'm not from Wonderland, but I hear the Queen's court isn't the best place to be in."

"Yeah, and they wouldn't be there if their father had just listened to reason and fled Wonderland when he still had the chance," Ozzy snapped, "But no, he chose to raise his children in that horrid place."

"Children?" Aziz asked, raising an eyebrow, "I thought that Kanin was his only child."

"They have a lot of siblings," He said, shrugging, "I think what I heard is that they've got something like 26 older siblings? Living, that is, though I'm sure that numbers gone down. They're the youngest. Rabbits, ya know?"

"Did none of them come with them?" Aziz asked, his textbook now shut, "You'd think they'd be worried about them, at least come to make sure they're adjusting ok."

"The Red Queen probably didn't let 'em leave," He said with a hum, "Though, I heard from Rose that they're something of a runt of the litter," He tilted his head a bit, "Why do you think their dad chose them to come here instead of any of their older siblings? The ones who are a lot stronger and more capable of protecting the Queen's kids?"

"Ozzy, that's-"

"Not nice? Come on, Aziz, they called me feral! They told me to my face that I should have been put down!" Ozzy snapped, raising his voice a bit, "You can't seriously be taking their side!"

Aziz sighed, moving his chair to sit beside him, carefully taking his hand. 

"I'm not taking their side," Aziz said gently, "I'm not taking yours either," Ozzy frowned a bit at that but didn't say anything, "What they said to you and how they treated you was completely out of line. All that I'm saying is that maybe, just maybe, you should see their side."

"Oh, and I suppose that if any Isle kids came over, you'd say the same thing then?" Ozzy asked, shooting him a small glare.

Aziz raised an eyebrow at him and then shrugged slightly.

"Kanin isn't exactly the child of some awful villain," He said, "I mean, dude, they're a rabbit."

Ozzy groaned at that, pulling his hand away and going to fall back on what he assumed was Aziz's bed. 

"They're a demon!" He called out as he heard Aziz sigh again.

He could vaguely hear the door opening and shutting, the light from the hallway flooding in for a brief moment, catching Ozzy's attention but not enough to have him put in the effort to sit up.

"Hey Xavier," He heard Aziz say, as he pushed himself up onto his elbows.

"Hey," The djin said softly giving a wave as he glanced over at Ozzy, "Am I interrupting something?"

Ozzy and Xavier never really spoke, only ever hanging out if Aziz happened to be there or if their teachers paired them up for a project. Ozzy always thought Xavier was rather odd. He was a quiet boy, hardly ever spoke in general, especially when that good for nothing boyfriend of his happened to be around. He seemed to always be on the edge, more anxious than Kanin, from what Ozzy's seen.

All that being said, he thought that they got along fairly well. They didn't really have much of a reason to dislike each other. They were friendly, and for the most part, Ozzy enjoyed being around him.

"Oh no, not at all!" Ozzy said, the trademark grin that he shared with his father spread across his face, "Could you be a dear and tell Aziz to stop taking the rabbit's side in everything?"

"Don't drag him into this," Aziz said, rolling his eyes at Ozzy, "He's just minding his own business."

"What's going on?" Xavier asked, sitting on his own bed, tugging his jacket off, "Did something happen?"

"Something like that-... wait, what time is it?" Ozzy asked, sitting up fully now.

"7 o'clock ish," Xavier said, checking his phone, "Why?"

"Oh, shit!" Ozzy exclaimed, getting up quickly.

"Something the matter, kitty?" Aziz asked, tilting his head, "You got somewhere to be?"

"I was supposed to call my dad an hour ago," He said checking his phone and seeing a list of missed calls, "Ugh... He gets really worried about me, he wants me to call him every day."

"See you tomorrow then," Aziz said, watching as Ozzy rushed over to the door, "Good luck with that call."

"Thanks for letting me sleep in your bed," Ozzy said quickly rushing out of the room before poking his head back in, "Oh, and I'll see you in class tomorrow Xavier!"

Ozzy hardly registered Xavier's awkward little wave before he rushed out of the room again, rushing down the halls back to his dorm.

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