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Ozzy fell back onto his bed, debating for a long moment about whether he wanted to go back to bed or actually go down to meet with the others. Kanin said Carroll was worried, and while Ozzy didn't like Kanin in the slightest, Carroll he could deal with a little bit more. 

Ozzy glanced at his phone, seeing the texts that he had sort of expected from his dad. His mother's death was approaching that much, and that was when his dad tended to keep Ozzy close. In the past, it would be something simple. Ozzy wouldn't be allowed to leave the house for around a week, something that Ozzy himself never complained about. He was grieving too, he understood why his father didn't want him leaving during that time.

Dad: Morning kitten, did you sleep well?

Ozzy: I did. Am I coming home next week?

Ozzy: Also, I'm 15 you can stop calling me that.

Dad: I talked to Fairy Godmother, and she approved it.

Dad: And you're always gonna be a little kid to me.

Ozzy rolled his eyes as he shut off his phone, finally decided to drag himself out of bed. Chad had probably left earlier, at least Kanin was considerate enough to wait for Ozzy to be alone in his dorm.

Not considerate enough to be a decent person, but considerate.

It took Ozzy almost another twenty minutes before he finally made that way to the courtyard, spotting his friends at a table near the trees and the shade. 

"Ozzy, there you are!" Carroll exclaimed, his eyes lighting up as he saw Ozzy approaching the table. 

Ozzy gave him a small smile and a wave, slipping into a seat next to Hattie, doing his best to ignore the way Kanin rolled his eyes. They pissed him off enough that morning, he didn't want to deal with them anymore.

"He wouldn't shut up about you," Rose told him, rolling her eyes at her brother, "He was so worried."

"I'm sorry I worried you," Ozzy said, glancing over at Carroll, "I overslept."

"You're always sleeping," Kanin snapped, only to get hit in the arm by Rose, "What? I'm right, aren't I?"

"Sorry we had to send them to wake you," Hattie mumbled under their breath, inaudible to everyone else, "Was it bad this morning?"

Ozzy gave a small nod, taking the cup that Hattie offered to him. Ozzy was still tired, and he wanted to go back to his dorm. This was going to be a long day.

"Are you leaving next week?" Rose asked, catching Ozzy's attention, "Just so I know if I should start taking extra notes for you."

"I am," Ozzy said with a small nod, keeping his eyes trained on the table, "Dad said it'll only be for a week."

Hattie slipped a hand into his, giving it a soft squeeze.

"We'll make sure you don't fall too behind," Rose said, giving him a small smile.

"More behind than he already is?" Kanin asked.

"Kanin," Rose warned, shooting him a glare, "Stop it."

"He's an-"

"I'm gonna head to class," Ozzy said, quickly standing and cutting Kanin off, "Sorry, I'll catch you guys later."

Carroll nodded, glancing nervously at his sister, who was glaring at Kanin.

"I'll you in class," He said, waving as Ozzy hurried away from the table.

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