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Ok, now I add in a little more of a plot- 

Not that I didn't have one before, but I want drama, and I'm quite a fan of 'Auradon is not perfect' ain't no way poverty doesn't exist outside the Isle.

Ozzy rushed back into his room, sitting at his desk and plugging his phone in, and calling his dad back and putting it on speaker, fidgeting with his tail as he heard the ringing. He hoped his father wasn't too upset at him, but he knew that his father would be quite worried. The Cheshire had his restraints, sending him back to Auradon prep after hearing that the Red Queen's children would also be attending. 

It had taken a lot of convincing for Ozzy to convince him that one year wouldn't have made that much of a difference, and that he'd be fine by himself. It was annoying, sure, but it wasn't like he could blame his father too much for his worry. 

Though, realistically, what were the Red Queen's children actually going to do to him? They couldn't drag him back to Wonderland, not when both him and his father were under the protection of Auradon's government. The worst they could do was tease him a bit, and that he could just take in silence.

"Ozzy, is everything ok?" His father asked when he picked up the phone, drawing his son out of his thoughts, "I was worried sick."

"I'm sorry, papa, I was asleep, and I lost track of time, I didn't hear my phone go off, and I didn't realize that you were calling me-"

"Hey, it's ok, calm down," His father said quickly, his voice soothing as he heard the edge of panic in his son's voice, "It's ok, I'm not upset at you. I was just worried, is all."

"I'm sorry to worry you, papa," Ozzy said a bit sheepishly, releasing his tail.

"It's ok, kitten," His father said, keeping the same soothing and comforting tone, "How was class today? Did anything interesting happen today?"

"I got into an argument with Kanin again," He sighed, resting his chin on the heel of his hand, "But that's nothing new, you know how they are."

"That I do. Takes after their father, that one," His father hummed.

"Well, I can't wait to see you next week," Ozzy said, leaning back in his desk, "It'll be a lot better than staying here. I mean, don't get me wrong, I'm having fun here, messing with the other kids is so much fun, but I miss you."

"I miss you too, Ozzy," His father said, though there was something off in his tone, "And I do look forward to seeing you next week. I don't know when I'll see you next after that."

"What?" He asked, tilting his head, "Dad, what are you talking about? I'm gonna see you again during the spring break."

His father was silent on the other end for a moment, causing Ozzy to straighten up, his brows furrowed. 

"Papa, what aren't you telling me?"

His father took a deep breath before he spoke again.

"Ozias," His full name. That was never good, "After your visit... After I visit, I have to go back to Wonderland. The White Queen needs my assistance with something-"

"Papa, are you crazy?" Ozzy snapped, cutting him off. His father couldn't see him, but he hoped that his frustration was evident enough in his voice, "You can't go back there again, if they find you-"

"I am aware of the risks, Ozias," His father said firmly,  "Do not take that tone with me, I'm trying to make life better for the both of us."

"By risking your life?" Ozzy asked, his mind scrambling to understand, "Papa, I already lost mom, I can't lose you too, please you can't take this! Whatever she wants, tell her no!"

"Ozias, we need the money that she's offering, your mother wouldn't want you living like this!" His father snapped back, "You should have better than a terrible apartment in an area that makes you feel unsafe. This isn't the life I wanted for you."

"Momma would have wanted you to not risk your life being reckless for extra cash," Ozzy snapped back, "We make it by just fine dad, you don't have to do this."

"Ozzy, I am taking this and that is final," Cheshire said sternly, "You're going to stay with Ben's family until you get back understand?"

"Dad at least let me come with you," Ozzy argued, "I can help, and it'll be less risky with two of us-"

"Absolutely not," His father snapped, cutting him off, "You are going to stay with Ben, you should be grateful that his parents agreed to house you."


"Ozias. Do you understand me?"

"Yes, papa," Ozzy muttered, defeated as he felt his tail still and his ears droop a bit against his head, "Just... just be safe, ok?"

"I will," He said, his dad's voice more comforting now, "I'll be perfectly safe. Now I have to go, I'll talk to you again tomorrow, ok?"

"Ok... bye dad," He muttered, waiting for his dad

"Goodbye Ozzy," His father said gently, "Sleep well, my darling son."

And with that, he was left again in silence.

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