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Ozzy finished his little deep clean of his dorm room, making sure that he was able to just have the room to himself with Chads tourney practice in the afternoon. He figured he's make the place look at least a little bit presentable for Kanin, whenever they were going to arrive. He made his way over to his desk, making sure that the vase that held the snowy white roses looked exactly like how he wanted them to. They were freshly cut, having just been bought an hour before. He was sure of how Kanin would take the roses, what they represented to the citizen's of Wonderland. 

He couldn't make them too comfortable in this room.

He plucked one of the roses out of the vase, cutting the stem a bit shorter than it had been. He kept the pristine white rose in his hands, fidgeting with it between his fingers as he waited. Eventually, he heard a soft knock on his door, catching his attention. As he opened it, he found Kanin shifting awkwardly, an unreadable expression on their face as they shoved a neatly folded jacket into Ozzy's hands.

"Took you long enough to get here," Ozzy teased, tugging the jacket back on and around his shoulders. Something felt a little off about it, a tad bit heavier than he remembered it being, but he chalked it up to just being his imagination. "Well, are you just going to stand there? Come in," Ozzy hummed, grabbing their arm and pulling them into the room.

Kanin let out a yelp, seeming awfully surprised at the sudden contact and movement but allowed Ozzy to pull them in. They didn't say anything, an expression on their face that Ozzy couldn't quite read as they avoided looking at him directly. 

"You wanted to talk about something?" They asked softly, pulling their jacket closer around themselves, carefully covering their neck, "Continue our conversation from earlier?"

"I did," He hummed, pulling them over to the desk and sitting them down on the chair, "Do you like the flowers?"

Kanin glanced up at them, winching a bit at the sight of them and swallowing thickly. 

"They're lovely," They muttered, their ears drooping a little bit, "I'm more fond of red though."

"White is your color," He commented offhandedly, tucking the rose behind Kanin's ear, "It's a shame your prince won't let you wear it." 

"I doubt you called me here to talk about my loyalties," Kanin snapped, a familiar glare being shot at him, "Ozzy, I already told you, I was 6 years old."

"My dreams have never been wrong before," Ozzy snapped before taking a deep breath to calm himself, "If my dreams say you were there, then you were there, Kanin."

"Ozzy, oh my god, I was 6!" Kanin snapped, getting up quickly, "You can't seriously believe that I was what? Spying on you guys?"

Their posture was tense, rigid, that much was clear to him.

"Kanin, my family's dreams have been something of omens for as long as I can remember," Ozzy told them, grabbing their arm and sitting them back down in the chair, keeping his grip tight as he added, "My father is more keen on the future, but me? Well, I'm cursed with memories of the past. All of my dreams are old memories that reveal more every time."

"Ozzy, let me go," Kanin growled out, trying to force his arm off.

"I'm going to find out what the hell you were doing there eventually," Ozzy hummed, plucking the rose out of their hair and shifting their jacket a bit to place it right above their heart as he zipped it back up, he leaned in close, until their faces were mere inches apart, "Best tell me now bunny. Save yourself the trouble."

Kanin didn't say anything, finding that they couldn't quite form the words to. Eventually, after a long while, they shook their head quickly, seemingly as an answer to the question.

"Suit yourself," He hummed, backing away, "Get the fuck out of my dorm Bunny."

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