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Nancy was relieved she found Elliot fast via newspapers and public records.

"Excuse me, are you Elliot Wilson?" The woman stood tall, her afro hair made her even taller.
"Who's asking?"
"My names Nancy, Wheeler, I'm a journalist." She extended her hand and the woman reluctantly shook it.
"I am Elliot, what's a journalist want with me?"
"I'm interested in a death that happened a few years ago, did you know.." She checked the paper, "Tiffany Carlisle?" Her demeanor changed from untrusting to angry.
"The hell do you want with her?" She asked, her dark eyes shot bullets into Nancy.
"She died to an incredibly rare disease, yes?" Nancy asked, she became worried this woman would slam the door in her face. She nodded and her eyed narrowed. "Well there's been an outbreak and I just wanted to know anything you could tell me about why Tiffany died." Nancy was begging at this point. The woman averted her gaze. She opened the door wider and gesture for Nancy to come inside.

"I don't wanna have to talk about this for long." She said as they sat down in the small brightly colored, living room. Nancy sat, she hung on every word this woman had to say.

"Tif, she liked the woods, but around the time that Byers kid went missing she started hating the woods, said she had a bad experience. Not long after that she got sick, coughing up blood and as you know if there is an outbreak, flowers." She paused a moment scanning her brain and collecting her thoughts. "She said it was killing her, it was true of course. She read in a book the only way to fix it was for 'love to shine true' I of course didn't know what she meant." She stopped again. Nancy noticed the pain creeping onto her face.

"The night before she died, she told me she loved me, not just a friendly kind of love but 'the kind of love you'd die for' she said." She covered her mouth, stopping a small sob. She looked over to Nancy giving her a cautious glare. "I ran, like hell, I left even though she begged me to stay, I didn't know what it meant for us but at the time I thought we had time." She sighed, Nancy could feel her dread and guilt, it was palpable. "Then she died."

Nancy sat uncomfortably hearing this now knowing how dire Robin and Steve's case was.

"Now," She stood up and walked to the bookshelf. "Take this, I hope it helps." The once stoic Elliot handed her a letter, the letter found at the scene.

She led Nancy out.
"Thank you." Nancy said, Elliot nodded and closed the door.

Nancy opened the letter in the car. It read;


I know I scared the hell out of you tonight. I didn't mean too. I write this letter knowing I'm about to die and I want you to know I'm sorry. I'm so sorry for upsetting you. I'm sorry I fell in love with you.

Right now I can feel my physical heart breaking, being pierced by the thorns of the flowers. Let it be known you brought me so much joy, every car ride, evey hike and every quiet sleepover I cherish. Those memories makes the pain lessen.

Thank you,


Nancy found herself in tears by the end of the letter. The pain of unrequited love was enough to kill and on top of that there was a parasitic weed killing you from the inside. She placed the letter in folder and began the drive back home.


Meanwhile, Dustin thought it would be a good idea for Robin and Steve to go for a walk. Robin vetoed immediately but Steve was open to getting some fresh air.

There walk was slow but not unpleasant
"So.." Dustin started, Steve turned to him. "Any crushes."
"Really Dustin?"
"I wouldn't be asking if it wasn't life or death." He lied. "Who is it." Steve shook his head,
"No one." Steve said,
"Nows really not the time to be shy, it's Robin right?"
"Good god no." He recoiled, "We are pl-"
"Platonic I get it, I don't know why, you guys just seem so perfect."
"Well we're not, she's like my best friend it would be gross." He said, that was half of the reason they weren't a thing.
"Wait I'm not you're best friend?"
"Dude were not doing this again." Steve groaned and Dustin laughed.

"So Nancy?" Dustin asked as the rounded the corner back towards the wheelers.
"What about Nancy?"
"Do you love her?" Dustin asked. Steve sighed,
"I don't think so." His face had become confused. "She and I don't mix that way."
"Could you guys mix long enough to save you life?" Steve looked at him, eyebrows raised.
"I don't think it works that way."
"The concern is appreciated."

Suddenly Nancy pulled up. "Do you have good news?" Steve asked only to be met with an upset Nancy. "You okay?"
"As okay as this situation will allow." She replied and gestured for them to follow. 

Nancy told their story and let them read the love letter.
"Wait Elliot is a woman?" Mike asked and Nancy nodded. The room became suddenly tense.
"Something wrong with that?" Nancy asked. Mike shook his head,
"No, just surprised." Robin felt a small smile creep on her face.

Steve on the other hand was horrified at the idea of feeling his heartbreak, not just emotionally.

"In conclusion your only option is not only confess to who you love they also have to reciprocate." Nancy said, "I'll keep looking for other options though."
"I'm doomed." Robin let her thought slip. Steve laid a kind, reassuring hand on her shoulder,
"We'll figure it out." Steve said, "How long to we have."
"Judging from Tiffany's case, two weeks?"
"Oh my God." Robin was starting to freak out.
"May we have a minute?" Steve asked.

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