Culling Weakness

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Fire, when one comes into contact with fire one thing generally happens. They get burned. Hence the saying, play with fire and you're going to get burned. Fire could leave burns, visible burns. However, despite the burn wound healing, it is also possible for the sting of the burn to remain. He then frowned to himself, while he had declared that he would come first to his class. He was supposed to not have the best health, and he was confidently winning each fight. Not to mention the fact that Midnight-sensei was watching over the fights.

 He exchanged the frown on his face for that smile as he headed back to his group. Shinso was going to be fighting Shiozaki in the next round and with each round, his opponent got quieter. If he doesn't take out her now, he would have to burn her hair. Speaking of which, Bakugou was his next opponent. Compared to Todoroki, it was a downgrade at best, scraps leftover from a more delicious meal. There was no way that he was going to throw the fight simply because he didn't need the win, and he didn't want to throw the fight because of it. 

It was a risk, sure, but a risk that could be prevented. Besides he could always throw a fight with Shinso afterward. But he didn't want to lose to him either. For a sick support department student to win the tournament was risky for his cover. But he had ways to explain that. All he needed to do was beat Bakugou and depending on Shinso, he might either have to fight him or he'll win automatically. Losing was not an option. Risks could be avoided. The pride of his sensei for getting further and further into the sports festival and claiming first place would hide any doubts, with a couple of blood spouts would make her worry. 

He had ways to deal with Shinso and he had multiple ways of dealing with Bakugou too, way too many ways. The smile turned into a grin as he thought of his fight with one of the last hero course students still in the tournament. "Hey, guys!" Izuku smiled at his group of friends. "I see Shinso already left." "He did." Joker nodded. "But, I fear he is going to have some trouble on his hands." Hatsume, who was tinkering with a device instead of watching looked up. "Maybe." She added. "He can get under people's skin quite easily it seems." "Yeah, that's true. If he went up against Bakugou, Bakugou would have already lost!" Midoriya smiled. "Speaking of which, you're up against him next." Joker turned toward the purple-haired student. "You got a plan or something?" "I have multiple plans," Izuku revealed. 

"I could take a page out of Shinso's book seeing as his short temper is something that can cause him to falter." "...He seems to be a bit more serious now after Todoroki's defeat." "Really? Then I might have to dig a bit more personal." Izuku smirked. Joker's head was already facing towards the field, missing Izuku's sinister smirk. "Personal?" "Like his parents or friends if he ever had any or maybe the fact that he lost to villains, shouldn't be a hero or maybe failed to protect someone, along those lines." "And if words don't work?" "I have a technique in the wings." "You do?" "Yes, but it is a secret." 

Izuku leaned closer to Joker as he whispered, "I can tell you if you want to know." "Really what is it?" A serious look had taken over Izuku's face, almost as if a different type of drawing style had changed. "After years of torturing my body to a harsh training regime, my powers have ascended to the point I have discovered to convert my energy into a physical form." He said seriously.

 "With this energy, I could use it to enhance my power, for example, my eyes turn white and retain no pupils and I have three hundred and sixty-degree vision, or I could change the color of my arm for heightened strength and defense. I call it...Cakra." "Cakra! That's one letter off from Chakra! No, it is chakra! You only changed the name by removing the H from it!" Joker turned his head so fast that it almost snapped. "What the hell! Seriously, do you have a plan? And if so what is it?" 

"Eh, I'll shoot him in the knee with a rivet gun." "EH! You're going to shoot him in the knee?" "I might use an ax too. Or a machete..." the purple-haired student said. "Maybe a staple gun... a nail gun...or a grain cradle..." "Okay, that's enough! Axes and machetes...?! Those are weapons!" Joker shouted. "They are considered weapons despite also being weapons. An ax cuts down trees and machetes have multiple uses!" "Hey, Shinso's up," Hatsume said. Shinso walked up to the stage. The crowd cheered as the blue-haired student stood face to face against Shiozaki. " Her vines will come straight for me as the match begins. 

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