UA part 1

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Time really did fly. But he was prepared. He was ready. A whole year (almost) was spent training him for this sort of thing....School. Well technically inventing gadgets. Izuku walked into the U.A and the support department candidates...well...there was barely any...

The room they used was a lot smaller than what they would have used, which was understandable.Everyone wanted to be a hero. Go big or go home."EVERYBODY!" a voice shouted in the small room causing many to cover their ears. 

The bastard who used his quirk in the small room was a tall man with long, spiky hair that reminded Izuku of a cockatiel. He had a small moustache, wore a pair of headphones with the word HAGE on the headband, a pair of dark tinted sunglasses.

The loud madman wore a black jacket with an upturned, studded collar and studded shoulders, black pants with a studded belt, black boots and black, fingerless gloves. Around his neck looked like an old stereo player, complete with speakers, play buttons, and a cassette tape.

This was the hero Present Mic."Sorry everyone." He apologized at the possible students of U.A High. Maybe he shouldn't have used his quirk. "But...ARE YOU READY?!"This time, no quirk was used...but it was still unnaturally loud."Is this a test of endurance?"

Was the current thoughts of one Izuku Midoriya.He would be surprised if it was one."All of you are here for the Support Course Exams! Can I hear a YEAH?!"The hero was met with silence..."Ouch! I understand how nervous you all are but have no fear!

Why? It's because I'm here to break it down for you!"...and he continued on as if he was used to this treatment."This wonderful exam was created to test you inventor types! So if you came for the hero course, get out! That exam is later!" "Well yeah...the hero course exams are some time after the support course exams...for some reason." Izuku thought.

The exams went support, hero, education and management.He didn't know why support was first or management was last, but he did know one thing.The general education course was placed after the hero course for the sole reason of those who failed to get into the hero course."First is the written exam!" Present Mic shouted. "So listen up listeners! Cause you got one shot!" "Please turn in down a notch..." everyone thought."The written exam is the least of your worries though!"

"DON'T SAY THINGS LIKE THAT!" "You all have one and a half hours to complete the written exam listeners!" Present Mic threw his hands up. "However you might be wondering why the written exam only takes up just a measly hour and a half?

That's for you to discover after the test!"It was then that stapled papers were being handed around the room. "I'll begin once everyone has gotten their papers! So raise them hands baby!"Everyone who got a paper put their hand up to signal they got one. " he crying?" Izuku blinked as the hero wiped the area under his glasses.

This might have been the first time someone actually did something 'listener' related."OKAY!"Yep, this was the first."You all got your papers! Time...starts...NOW!" and with that everyone started writing. "Remember, no cheating!"

Each applicant went on with the exam, using the time to the fullest.Izuku noted that the questions involved the support course's trade.For example, a flying hero has a quirk that allows him to glide long distances, however anymore weight would cause his quirk to be useless, especially since he is a hero that works with mountains and heights.

How would you solve this?Those sorts of questions coupled with questions that involved malfunctioning technology and repairs.Izuku continued the test confidently writing down the answers. "And...TIME!" Present Mic shouted as the written test came to a close. "We will now be collecting your papers once you leave...TO YOUR PRACTICAL EXAM!"

"Reminder: buy soundproof headphones." "Now all you listeners may be wondering what the practical exam is? Well first, we have to move to the practical exam room!" he shouted. "Follow me listeners! The others will collect your papers and begin marking!"The wannabe support students followed the loud hero as Izuku wondered what the practical exam would consist of. He would assume it would be creating something..."Hm...wonder what we have to make..." he muttered under his breath.

"I don't know what the practical will be, but I hope it allow me to go crazy with ideas." The voice next to him said.Turning, he saw who it was.It was a girl with a quite fit physique and a very round chest. She was around his height had somewhat messy pink shoulder-length hair that resembled dreadlocks or even bananas along with having yellow eyes with a crosshair-like design on them.

She even had some goggles on her head and some fingerless gloves."I can't wait to introduce my babies to the world."Izuku blinked. He blinked again."Sorry?" what she just said didn't registered with the spy and he had to ask."Oh! My babies!" she beamed. "They're my creations!"

"Oh, like what we came here to do?" "Yep!" she nodded as they continued down. "Mei Hatsume." "Izuku Midoriya." "Well, Midori, best of luck to ya."He didn't need to wonder why she said that as they all came to a stop."YO!" Present Mic shouted. "EVERYBODY! WE ARE FINALLY HERE AT YOUR EXAM ROOMS!"

...They were standing in a hallway."As you can see in this hallway is multiple rooms were you will be taking your practical exam. So you'll all get a room to work!" Present Mic then pointed everyone to their assigned rooms. "Now...if you all be so kind to take a look inside your assigned rooms listeners!"Izuku opened the room he was assigned to and what he saw shocked him.Piles and piles of robotic parts...used for the hero course entrance exam!

"YES MY LISTENERS!" Present Mic shouted. "Your practical exam is putting together our illustrious exam robots!" "As you can tell, these robots have three different points. A one point robot, a two point robot and a three point robot!" the hero said. "However this is where your test comes in. Each robot you successfully build goes to your score! A point for the certain robots you make!

Build a two point robot and you'll score two points that also goes for the other two as well! The points marked on the robots are how many points you'll score." "But here's the catch baby! You are allowed to use your quirk in order to help construct the robots and like the written exam, there is a time limit of...drum roll...FOUR HOURS!"

He shouted. "All of you here are skilled soon-to-be inventors! So you shouldn't have much trouble here! Build as many robots as you can and make sure they are in working condition! That's another part to this test! Even if you build it correctly, they need to work correctly too!

So if you build a three point robot and it doesn't work you will not be getting those points!" "So the robots used in the hero's entrance exam. We're building those." Izuku thought as Present Mic brought the microphone closer."Your time starts now listeners!"With that everyone went into their assigned rooms and closing the doors behind them, got to work.

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