UA part 2

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There was no rush, unlike the hero exam.The hero exam had a set amount of robots and too many applicants. Therefore the time limit was shorter.Not enough robots to go around.Izuku looked around the room. The room held tools, not like he needed them, but he wondered where the cameras were. Weren't they supposed to be watching their progress?Either way, Izuku started to take off his shirt and revealed the muscles he had hidden away. They were quite impressive....If his mother could see them now...she would probably call them something along the lines of Lady Killers. Shaking his head from the thoughts he got to work on the robots.From his back, he grew limbs with ingrown tools, retractable arms with a tool for the job. Hammers, screwdrivers, welders, blowtorches, you name it.He did however grab one of the welding masks just in case as he went to work on the robots. Each of his arms was working on a different part of the robots in his assigned room. He might have had an advantage due to extra limbs with tools, but he didn't know the other participants quirks.

So he worked for four hours straight. Building the one, two and three point robots and giving them a brief test run after the creation of each robot.He was building up quite a number as the commands were to activate and make a line at the end of the room and deactivate.Making it easier to get the parts that weren't used while knowing which ones you fixed too. He could definitely see why the support course would be classified as harder than the hero course.Breaking things was way easier than building them. It then brought up the point of the robots themselves.What was going to happen to them? When they finish this exam, are they going to be used for the hero course exam? He didn't know. As long as it got him into the support course, he didn't care what they decided to do with these machines. He continued to steadily build the robots at his current pace. Each arm helped speed up the process immensely because of it. He picked up a part before he glared at it. "So they added non-working and broken parts on purpose."Clever U.A, very clever...By adding in fake parts like that, it also screwed with other things down the line like the robots.It was a good thing he was taking note of the parts, otherwise he could have had a mishap.Izuku continued to build the robots, with being extra observant of the parts now. There was no clock in the room which was a bummer. He continued with the one point robots, two point robots and the three point robots. The exams only end when the loud man shrieks...or screeches.Either one really when it's that guy on the mic. The main point is that your ears bleed is when it's over..."AND THAT'S TIME!" Present Mic shouted from the intercoms...but he did know they could hear him without it...right?"Please come on back out listeners!" he called as Izuku picked up his shirt and put it back on and left the room. "I hope you all did well! Cause that's it! End of the practical exam!"

"We will be going into your rooms and tallying up your total robots and their point worth!" The hero then held the mic out to them. "Did you all have a great time?"He was met by silence again."It wasn't that bad actually..." Izuku had to admit. A written test and a practical test by putting robots together in working order and making sure they worked.As well as identifying which parts were the planted ones from U.A to screw with the exam takers.Very crafty school...despite it having a walking stereo that's volume was always on high and a walking skeleton that occasionally spat out blood like miniature waterfall!From what he could tell from the staff...they were just as quirky as their quirks themselves!" Those four hours felt like nothing." He said as the pink haired girl he had met earlier agreed."Now listeners! We will be sending your written and practical exams back to you sometime next week! Maybe even before then!" the hero said with a smile.Everyone thought that was it before the hero spoke again to stop them from going."Don't tune away listeners!" he said as he motioned them to follow him. "There's one last thing, and don't worry. It isn't part of the tests!"They all followed the hero to another room. "Now, out of all the exams, the support course exam is the longest with five and a half hours, the hero course actually being the shortest due to the short lived practical." Present Mic explained. 

"However, all three other courses exams are WAY shorter than this course's exam. So today..."Present Mic then opened the door to reveal a whole lot of food. "...We are treating you to the meal you missed due to the exam." He then waved his hand into the dinner area. "Feel free to dig in listeners! Don't be shy!"Everyone entered with Present Mic's constant guiding and soon everyone got a table and food."Now one last thing..." Present Mic said. "Heroes are important, but you are equally important! Without you we heroes will be nothing!" "So take pride! You are all heroes to us! A hero's hero!" he finished off getting an applause...which was tearing the man up.And now, the support course takers were eating the meal they missed.At Izuku's table on the other side, was Mei."Hey there Midori." she said as she sat down."Hatsume-san" he nodded."Hope you don't mind if I just bud in!" "Nah, its fine." He waved it off."Cool! Hey, did you overhear about us examinees?" she asked as he had to shake his head signalling he did not. "Apparently this year is one of the lowest in terms of numbers. But they said that there should be enough to still have our three classes outnumber the hero course...maybe..."Izuku ate in silence as Hatsume changed the topic of conversation yet again. "I hope they'll let us create our own babies." "That's going to be taken out of context..." he thought. "Let's just focus on getting into the course first, alright?" "It's no big deal." She waved her hand. "If we fail, it's just learning experience for us!" "...That's true." He said returning his attention to his food. "It sure was nice to give us a free meal." "Yep, because our course is the longest, the other three don't get this sort of treatment!" "I guess we should take this as 'thanks for your hard work' then?" "That's what I'm going to take it as."Izuku continued to eat with the pink haired girl on the opposite side of his table.

So this was what it would be like to eat at the school. Well, if he got in and she got in too, he wouldn't mind doing this."I wonder if we're going to be in the same class if we pass." He wondered loudly."Only one way to find out!" she grinned. He only nodded as he ate the rest of his meal before he and the others left the premise of U.A High's school grounds. After the support course students left the teachers came in to mark their work.

The person who just walked into the room was that of a mouse with a face of a bear with a large scar going across his right eye, the nose and tail of a mouse despite his bear like head and dog paws for hands. He wore an elegant suit with large shoes that didn't seem to match the suit he wore.In his paws was that of a clipboard with the applicant's name and three different columns for the robots.He checked every robot in the room and was quite impressed with the amount he saw. Looking down marked down the robots the applicant was able to make during the four hour test.From the corner of his eye, he saw a pile of broken, fake and bugged parts.Turning his attention to the robots, the mouse smiled. He gave the points the applicant earned fairly.He wasn't the principal for nothing."So this is the kid you met, All Might." The mouse said. "He's pretty good. His quirk also helped him in the construction of each robot. His control and the ability to multitask in the midst of construction were outstanding." "I could only imagine what would happen if he decided to become a hero." The principal finished the total points Izuku had earned. Just because All Might liked the kid didn't mean he would be given special treatment. He got the same treatment as everyone else."It's a good thing I look over the support course thanks to my quirk!" the mouse said. "It seems we will have a few interesting support course takers...though small..."The principal left the room and headed back to the others.He had three over courses to look over in the next few days...and he was quite excited to see all the students who manage to get into his academy. He was a very happy mouse/bear/animal.

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