Chapter 1

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                                            Disclaimer; I do not own my hero                               academia or the picture above.

( The picture above is what Izuku looks like normally)


"Name?" asked the Author

"Izuku Midoriya."

"Age?" the voice asked again.


"What is your occupation?"

"I'm a first year student of U.A in the Department of Support." Izuku said. "I have a official recommendation of my skills if you are unsure."

"Why are you taking the exam then?"

"I don't believe that recommendations should get me there but rather my own skill."

"So why-"

From Izuku's move, he spat out blood similar to a certain hero's true form.

"Sorry." Izuku apologized. "My health isn't the best."

"Are you sure you can come to our establishment?"

"Yes, I'm healthy for most days and if not, I have a doctor's note."

                     line Break

       Izuku Pov

So he started to salvage.

He got dressed into different clothes to save his regular clothes from getting dirty...and a potential earful from his mother.

He got all the salvageable junk like the TVs, fridges and even the old truck into one pile. The trash that was just trash was just burnt.

Now with a pile of salvageable junk to work with, repair and turn into gadgets. He started to get to work.

He was a smart kid.

However as the day progressed, Izuku turned his head to see another man walking onto the beach.

He was an overly-skinny man with angular features...really angular features, long limbs and neck. He had spiky, dishevelled hair with two bangs framing the sides of his face and seemed to have no eyebrows.

From what he could tell, his clothing was baggy and his face kind of seemed naturally sour. However, he was quite surprised to see him there.

"Ah, good afternoon si-" before Izuku could finish, he spout out blood.

"ARE YOU OKAY MY BO-" the man also didn't finish as he too spouted blood.

"I'm fine, are you fine?"

"Yes, perfectly fine my boy." The man's eyes glanced around the beach. "You cleaned this place up pretty good."

"Thanks!" the teen smiled. "I just threw the trash out...wait, are you a hoarder?! I'm sorry..."

"I'M NOT A HOARDER!" the man comically reacted. "No my boy, I was just going to clean the beach, but it seems you have me beat."

"Hehe, sorry..."

"No, no! You did a fine job." It was then he noticed the tools in his hand. "What are you doing?"

"Well, many of the trash could be easily fixed...and they have useful I decided to take the good junk with me."

"Ah, planning on repairing them?"

"Yes. Also might make something new out of them."

"Hoho, so you're a inventor?" he asked the youth who shrugged.

"Don't know yet about inventor, more like aspiring-inventor."

"How old are you, your like fourteen?"

"I am. I'm planning on entering U.A when the exams roll around." Izuku answered.

"Hero?" the man asked as he heard the teen release a groan.

"No." he grumbled. "Why does everyone think that?"

He stopped what he was doing and turned his sights to the skeleton man. "No, I'm aiming for the Department of Support."

The man's eyes widened before they calmed down. "Most kids your age would rather go for the hero path."

"Then they're offence if you're into the hero side of things. There are plenty of unspoken heroes in this world. Doctors, police officers, fire-fighters before water quirk users came around and even people at the support department." He started to trail off as the man eagerly listened.

"I don't want to be one of those 'heroes' who only do it for fame and glory. The real heroes go around without praise, fame and glory like the support department. Not only do the gadgets help heroes, but they can also help people."

"That's quite noble of you my boy."

"I highly doubt you're my father..."

"No! No! I call everyone younger than me my boy!"

"...Even the girls?"

"...I...I don't even know..."

Izuku talked to the strange blood spouting man as he occasionally spouts blood back.

"Oh, I'm sorry my boy." The man said. "It seems my talking has taking up your time to get to work on your repairs."

"Nah, it's fine." The teen replied. "I can always come back."

"Well sorry for taking up your time. Oh! I hope you get into the Support section of U.A my boy!"

"Thank you sir!" he called out as the man waved as he left.

'Who was that?" he asked himself. 'He felt...familiar?'

*phone starts to ring, playing freaks (unknown author. (to me at least))

As Izuku's phone started ringing he was pulled out of his conversation and suddenly realized just how long he had been standing there.  As the ringtone droned on he pulled his phone out of his pocket to see who was calling him.  He realized how much trouble he would be in for staying out there so long. After all he hadn't named that contact "Run home as fast as you can" for no reason.  As he started sprinting in the direction of his house onlookers were pleasantly surprised to see a young boy running as fast as he could with a dark aura leaking out from a house 2 blocks away.

AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAND CUT!!! Will Izuku make it in home in time? Will Inko hug izuku till he dies? You'll find out next chapter cuz' I ain't gonna tell you that's for sure.  words.

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