UA part 5

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Disclaimer: I don't own My Hero Acadeia

Izuku sighed as he spouted blood at the same time. Izuku was currently working on his invention they've been working on since the development classes. Hatsume had already made more than the support department year already... He was just working on his latest invention as the door opened. "Ah, afternoon Midoriya." The person greeted before spitting blood. "Yagi-san." He blinked. "What are you doing here?" "I came to say hi my boy." "Don't you have a class to teach or something?" "I do in the afternoon." He told him before looking at the gadget in his hands. "What is that you got there?" "Just a small robot I'm working on." "Oh? What does it do? Or rather what will it do?" "I plan on it to record fighting styles of heroes and villains and project them as light copies." Toshinori's eyes widened.

"That's...that's incredible!" he said with a spout of blood following afterwards. "Training the next generations of heroes will skyrocket thanks to learning the fighting styles of previous villains!" "Well currently they would only soft holograms until I figure out how to make them hard holograms." He truthfully told the skeleton. "But I might make that a feature to switch between them..." "But didn't you say it needed to be recorded?" "Yes, asides from the hard-light copies, getting information is going to be hard...but there is countless information out there somewhere." "True. I suppose you'll ask for heroes first?" "Maybe."

He drawled as he inspected the droid. "Huh?" "Well as its creator, I kinda want to test it on myself." "I see...the ability to fight yourself is a good way to find your flaws and improve." "Hey, Yagi-sensei. Guess I can call you that now." "Yes, but what is it?" " keep this a secret until it's done?" "Certainly! I would love to see the other teachers' faces too!" he laughed and as soon as he patted Midoriya's back, the student spat out blood.

"Ah! I'm sorry my bo-" he spat blood too... "No it's fine!" "...Anyways...I heard you got Midnight as your there any problems?" "If by problem you mean that we're messing with her." "...She did talk about that..." he mumbled. "...But, nothing else? You don't feel uncomfortable?" "No." he responded. "She did try and use her sex appeal for some reason. I think she's thinking that she's losing her touch due to how we reacted." Toshinori stared at Midoriya for a while. "...Your all having too much fun messing with her aren't you?"

"Yep!" he said truthfully. "Seems she has her hands full despite how small your class is..." he felt somewhat bad for Midnight seeing how her class had suddenly decided to mess with her for some reason. But hey, it was better than having a perverted yellow octopus ogle her while showing her up by being a better teacher. "And that concludes our lessons for the day class." Midnight said as she took over the class' last lesson of the day. "Also, Midoriya, clean your blood up." "Oka-" he spat blood again. "DUDE! ARE YOU SURE YOUR FINE?!" asked a concerned Joker. "Crystal!" Izuku had walked back to his apartment after a long day of school. *Brinnng* *Brinnng* *Brinnng* "-ku Izuku are you there honey?" "Hi mom, you didn't tell me you would call" "I just felt like saying hello hon. Did anything interesting happen?" he asked the teen. "Not much. Messed with Midnight some more...stayed in my group circle." "Ah, ok hon." remembering how Izuku had told her of the inventor, brainwasher and the clown. "Yep, also I'm working on a project too."

The next day

The class of 1-H was silent, waiting for their teacher. The villain attack was unexpected and Hatsume...seemed to be angry... "Once I get my hands on those villains, I'll teach them what happens when I can't work on my babies!" That's when Izuku decided to stop listening. Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned. Midnight or Kayama-sensei had walked in. "Morning sensei." "Morning." Their homeroom teacher said. "I apologize for being late. We all had a conference this morning." "...Are you okay sensei?" Izuku asked. "Huh?" "Yeah, are you fine after the attack? You fought right?" Joker asked. The concern of her students brought a smile to her face. "I'm fine...and Midoiya." "Yes sensei?" "I should be asking you that."

He spouted blood onto his desk as he asked his teacher if she was fine! It should have been the other way around! "Well anyways, we're going to be doing something a little different." "Huh?" "U.A's Sports Festival is approaching boys and girls!" she declared. "The sports festival!" the class shouted. "Do not worry about villains, I can see some worried looks. Police presence will be five times bigger than normal!" she told the students. "For those of you who may not know, our sports festival is one of Japan's biggest events!" "In day's past the Olympics was the sports festivity that whipped all the nation into a froth of enthusiasm! But now, as you know, the extent and population have shrunk and it's lost a lot of substance. So what has taken the place of the Olympics in Japan is the U.A Sports Festival!"

The U.A sports festival had taken over the Olympics, but then again the number one hero high schools around the globe like Australia, America and Europe for example. They had a similar festival like U.A and word was that they were going to make an international one with high schools around the globe. However Hatsume's eyes gained a very dangerous glint. "Hehehe, I can finally showcase my babies to the world!" "However!" their sensei called out to the class. "I have one request as my students! Not as a hero but from your homeroom teacher!" The small class listened carefully as their teacher talked.

"I want you to show them what your made out off! I want you to enter get to the final round of the festival and if you do, and if you can, claim first place!" The students were oddly silent before Izuku smiled. "Don't worry Kayama-sensei! I'll claim first place for sure!" "You sure you'll be fine though?" asked Joker as the purple haired teen nodded. "I'll be fine!" "DON'T SAY THAT WITH A STRAIGHT FACE WHEN THERE'S BLOOD DRIPPING FROM THE SIDES OF YOUR MOUTH LIKE A WATERFALL! Later in the day Izuku, Joker and Hatsume had met up with Shinso during the noonday break and decided to check class 1-A at the blue haired teen's request. "I'm honestly looking forward to the sports festival." Izuku said. "The look on the faces when the hero kids lose to students in the general education and support courses will be hilarious." "Plus that would speak a lot for the hero kids when they lose." Shinso said. "How can you entrust the future to heroes if they lost to those who aren't heroes?" "Exactly, that will hurt the hero classes pretty badly." Midoiya said. "You two are enjoying this way too much." Joker said as Hatsume was too into her inventions.

"It's pointless to try, so why don't you just fuck off, ya goddamn mob." Said the loud Bakugou...seemed they arrived at 1-A. "Don't go calling people you don't know a mob right off the bat!" scolded Iida. "I came to see what you kids are made of, true, but I didn't think you'd be this arrogant." Shinso said as he slowly came to the front of the mob. "Are all the kids enrolled at the department of heroics this way?" "I'm a bit disillusioned. So that's it, huh?" asked Shinso as he rubbed the back of his neck. "There are lots of kids who wind up in the general education or management departments because they failed the heroics one. Did you know that? And based on the results of the sports festival, people can even come under review to be transferred to heroics...and the reverse is also a possible outcome..."

"Scoping out the competition? If nothing else, a general education kid like me is thinking, 'hey, why don't I try pulling the rug out from under those heroics kids while they're on their high horse?' Consider it a declaration of war." However as Shinso left a kid from class B arrived. "Hey! You! I'm from class B!" he shouted. "I heard you knocked around with villains or whatever so I came to hear it direct! But I don't wanna hear from some snot-nosed punk! Don't embarrass us during the main event, you hear me?!" However, the group of four had already left couldn't hear the outcome. Izuku sat back at home relaxing. Tomorrow was going to be the day of the sports festival and Izuku will show his true battle prowess.

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