Chapter 17 Act 4

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"Who? Me?" Estella asks, flabbergasted. "No no I'm Estella Nekros." She continued when he nodded.

"She was brought by accident but when Trevor saw her face, he thought she was her.  She seems to be human though." Rose tells the well dressed man as Estella hides a grin behind her hands. 

"Yes...human." she quietly snickered. "Trevor. Rose. You are here by pardoned." Estella slapped a shell shocked Trevor's shoulder and handed him the extra ring. "Be free children." She said dramatically. "Alright, let's go." Elijah commanded when both of the vampires were gone. Estella, not feeling any other people around shrugs and follows the man as he pulls Elena to the front door. 


2 hours into the drive Estella sighs at the awkward silence. She talked to Thanatos half the time but he was busy so she left him to his paperwork, knowing she'd be fine. "Where are we going?" Elijah just glances at her and then looks back to the road. The girl bangs her head on the window as Elena stares at the trees passing by. 

"Woe is me." Estella fake sniffed. "Who's Mary?" She asked after a few more minutes. He sighed and grumbled before answering, "A dear friend of mine. She died years ago and you happen to look just like her. Do you know anything about that?"

"Nope." she said, popping the 'p.'  "So, where are we going?" Elijahs hands tightened on the steering wheel as he ignored the question. Estella sighed and shook her head disappointed. "Man, i've been nice to you! I guess I'll just leave then." Elijah scoffed at her statement as he locked the doors. Estella scrunched up her dress and flipped in her seat. "Take my hand Miss.Gilbert. We're going home. He can tell us what he wants when he finds us I guess." She shrugged and Elena hesitantly took her hand.

"Bye 'Lijah." She waved before poofing out of the car. Elijah slammed on the brakes as it blinded his vision. When the cloud of black disappeared he saw that the two girls were gone.  He used his vampire speed to check the surrounding area, he noticed their scents weren't even in the woods. She truly disappeared. 

The now angry original got back into his car and made a U-turn, driving straight back to his home town.

Mystic Falls.


Estella and Elena appeared in the middle of the kitchen in front of a shocked Jenna and Alaric. "Oops." The deity shrugged as her bloody spun with her as she walked away. "Tell her." She told them as she left the room. 

"Jay! Are you here?" A shirtless Jeremy ran down the stairs with wet hair and a cut on his arm. "Ellie?! Are you okay? Where's Elena? We looked for you and you weren't there! What happened?" The Gilbert asked in one breath. "Calm down, Jay. Breathe. Some ancient vampires kidnapped us for a trade or whatever. I rolled with it. We got almost taken to another location but the guy, Elijah, wouldn't tell me. He's the guy i told you about. He started to be rude so we left him while he was driving. Honestly he's probably on his way here to yell at us but in a sophisticated way or some shit."  She snorted ungracefully as Jeremy frowned at her dress. "Okay but you're bloody. Are you okay?" She nodded and shrugged while she looked at her ruined dress. She could easily fix it but it was just a flannel and leggings anyway. 

"Yeah, I basically stabbed myself, it was planned though. Hurt like a bitch but- planned. I was all healed up by Damon's girlfriend- sorry- future girlfriend." She grinned as Jeremy grabbed her hand and dragged her up the stairs. "Here's some clothes, you can use the guest shower since I'm guessing that Elena will want one too in ours. You're sleeping over." He said in a tone that said 'try me and find out.' 

She she did. She took an hour long shower to scrub all of the blood off and wash her hair after summoning all of her products from home. As she walked out of the bathroom in Jeremys hoodie and basketball shorts, that went to her calves, she saw Jeremy with a box of pizza and scrolling through Netflix. 

She plopped on top of his back making an 'ompf' sound at the impact. "What're we watchin'?" She spoke in an American accent. "Black Butler?" 


The duo spent the entire night binge watching the show and snacking on pizza. Eventually, around 3am, Damon came through the window and took a slice of pizza. They just skootched over and made more room while tossing him a blanket and pillow. 

"So this kid sold his soul and the butler is some demon type thing that helps him find the people who killed his parents?" Damon asks after 30 minutes. "Yup." The duo answered in unison as the intro started once again.

Damon watched, intrigued as Ceil sensed 'The German Grim Reapers.' Suddenly the door slammed open and Elena was huffing and puffing in the walk way. "Jenna just broke up with Alaric and she won't talk to me! This is your fault." She aimed at Estella. The girl that is accused shrugs and nods. "It's my fault she found out but it's your fault that it was a secret. You forced Jeremy to keep it secret and you forced Alaric to keep it secret. Remember what I told you at the grill?" When Elena's brows furrowed in thought, Jeremy stood up and sighed, pausing the episode making Damon whine and flip over to glare at Elena. Elena gasps as she glared at the deity. "You read my diary?!" 

"I'm a seer dumby. I didn't read it, I heard your thoughts as you wrote it. 'What you don't know can hurt you.' You said. 'Keep Jenna in the dark' you said. 'She will be safe,' you said. Would you like to see what would have happened if I never came? Would you like to know what would have happened if your dear aunty, whom you should cherish with your life because she is an amazing person, never found out until the very last second?" She asked Elena furiously as her eyes stung. Getting close to Jeremy caused her to talk to Jenna pretty often. The thought of her being used in the sacrifice if she never came cracked her heart a little. 

Damon was up in less than a second, laying a calming hand on the deity's shoulder. When her shoulders relaxed, Elena stepped forward. "I'd protect Aunt Jenna with my life. She would die because of the supernatural world." She spoke confidantly but Estella could here the underlying unsureness. 

"Would you like to see?" She spoke firmly, wanting nothing more than this girl to realize that she fucked up so she would grow up. "Whatever." Elena held her hand out, bored. "It's graphic. Are you absolutely sure?" Estella warned. "Just get on with it." The doppelganger sighed as she rolled her eyes. As Estella took her hand, visions came through in full force. 

Jenna getting stabbed because of Kathrine's compulsion. 

Isobel and John outing themselves as Elena's mother and father, along with Isobel being alive and they lied about it. 

A blurred out face walking intimidatingly toward Jenna and telling her all about vampires.

Jenna being kidnapped, forcefully being fed vampire blood and having her neck snapped. 

And finally, Jenna being staked by a blurred out face in the middle of a ring of fire.

As Estella and Elena pulled out of the vison, Elena was in tears. A wet sob escaped her. "Now you know. This doesn't mean go around telling everyone but just so you know, Jenna wasn't the first nor last to die because you decided it was better off a secret. Caroline for example. Bonnie. Sheila indirectly. Matt. Alaric... Jeremy. All of that leads up to more future friends, and eventually Stefan. And Bonnie again. Jeremy again. Alaric again. Matt again. And then almost Damon. Hell Jeremy would have died for the first time just tonight if i never came and changed things. Grow up, Elena." 

Jeremy's mouth was open in shock as Damon looked in between the girls in bemusement. "I'm so sorry." The doppelganger whispered shakily as her hand covered her mouth. She turned away slowly and walked back to her room as she processed the information. 

Estella sighed wistfully and turned around. 

"Finally. Some true changed around here." 


A short filler. 

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