Chapter 23: Act 6

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The two Malfoy's were unconscious and bound to a pair of seats. Wild brown and silky platinum hair hung down in front of their faces as they dozed. 

The people around them had been chatting nervously, picking at the frays of their aged clothing and clasps of the old seatbelts.

Suddenly, the room jolted. The lights overhead flickered making people scream in fear.

Finally, the loudness of the group made the two stir slowly. The boy awoke first with bleary, and itching eyes. The pale hazel iris' glared around the walls in confusion. He'd never seen anything like it. Wires stuck to the ceiling and large tubes attached to the floor.

With a hazy mind, his body subconsciously searched for a familiar face.

A hand gripped his own and he squeezed it back, fully reviving quickly as he realized who it was.

"'Stella?" Her curly brown hair was blown out of her face as she huffed. She looked a bit green with her motion sickness kicking in ruthlessly. "Mornin', Dray. It seems we've been kidnapped." He blinked. "Where are we, exactly?"

"A spaceship that is about to crash into a dangerous world. At least we're not in The Walking Dead... It could be worse." She tried to comfort him. "A spaceship? Like-  In space, where the stars are and shit? We're in space? And crashing? Crashing where? I swear if we're landing on some stupid planet where I may die, my father will hear about this!" He nearly sobbed.

The poor boy was shaking, reminding Estella how he had never jumped worlds with her... which only set the remaining questions; how did they get here? Who brought them and why? 

"It's Earth. Don't worry, as soon as we land I'll bring us back to Hogwarts. Just hold on tight..."

Both took deep breaths as the ship shook over the atmosphere. They were surrounded by muggles, over 200 years into the future, not that Draco knew that. And there were grounders after the sky people. Mount Weather's 'soldiers' would come for them and bleed them dry. Estella shuddered at the thought. 

Within the next few minutes, Jaha's face appeared on the screen. He spoke comfortingly, but his eyes didn't hold an ounce of regret. He didn't care about the lives he was risking, and all because they'd all committed a crime. "Mount Weather is a military base that holds enough non-perishables to sustain 300 people for up to 2 years. No one ever made it there." She scoffed at Jaha's assumption. Just because they don't answer your radio, doesn't mean that they aren't there.

Draco watched grumpily as a brunette with long hair unclipped his seatbelt and began to float, taunting a blonde girl playfully. When a few began to follow his actions, Draco rolled his eyes.

"Bonkers. The lot of them." Beside him, Estella agreed quietly. Her hand gripped his a little tighter when the drop-ship went off course. The two boys rammed against the wall just as Estella's free hand shot out, attempting to lessen the fall with her magic.

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