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Quirk Name:Conscience

The user can become one with anybodies thoughts as long as phyiscal contact has been made with said person withn 10 days.
The user can tap into anybodies thoughts at anytime, they can even have conversations with them.

The Backfires are if user hits there limit they go insane, they cant hear, speak, or feel anything for the rest of the day.

The user also have there own Conscience, which is there more humorious and more the user than the actual user. The user can either talk to the person using there mind or actually talk and have it be recived in the persons mind, the user can also do anything they want when there quirk is activated as long as it doesnt invole the users mind becoming more occupied.

Quirk is visable in use, the user with have a dark purple rim glow around there body.

I love this one

Im just posting chapters randomly


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