Roller Coaster

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Eren's POV

I walked through the parking lot clinging to Levi's arm. I stared around in awe at all the tall roller coaster tracks and the large Ferris wheel at the end of the park. I felt ecstatic to finally be at the amusement park with the man I loved. I already had a list of things planned out to do. Starting with getting on the first roller coaster we saw. 

"Come on, Levi!" I said, pulling him excitedly towards the line beginning to form at the mouth of the entrance. It read White Roller Coaster on it and was made completely out of wood. Seventh oldest in the world according to the plaque nailed to a supporting beam of the canopy. I studied the history of the coaster for a few more seconds as we waited for the line to move before turning to Levi. 

"Maybe it'll break on us," I joked. Levi raised an eyebrow but humored me anyway. 

"I doubt that, but maybe," he shrugged. The line moved forward and we entered the gates that allowed us to get into the cars. The announcer came over the speaker and reminded us to keep our hands down and legs in and all that, not that anyone ever followed those rules. Everyone knows it's tradition to raise your arms, especially on this on. 

As the ride started up I cheered and put my hand on top of Levi's. The rickety clicks of the chain pulling us up sounded as we rounded the top. As soon as they released I raised my arms up and hollered. Today was going to be a good day.

As soon as the ride let us free I grabbed onto Levi's hand and pulled him down the stairs and towards another ride.

"Calm down, Eren, we have all day here," Levi reminded me. I just shook my head and kept pulling him towards another ride that had a line forming. 

"Nope, we gotta ride everything at least twice!" I smiled. 

After three hours, 27 rides, and funnel cake we approached a carnival game. It was one where you had to knock down a duck with a baseball. You had three tries to hit one duck. I pointed at it and started dragging Levi with me towards it.

"You know all of these things are rigged to hell, right?" Levi inquired. I shrugged and handed the game attendant a five dollar bill in exchange for the baseballs.

"I wanna play," is all I said before reeling back and chucking a ball at a duck. It didn't connect but that's okay. Two more tries left. I had seven years of baseball on my side too. I threw another ball and while it connected this time, the duck was left standing.

"Told you," Levi said beside me.

"Shut up and let me be romantic you ass," I chided. I turned my focus back the game, took a deep breath, and threw the ball as hard as I could. 

The duck toppled over with ease.

I cheered triumphantly and threw my hands up in the air. The game attendant asked which prize I wanted. 

"I dunno, Levi you pick," I grinned. He pointed at a brown stuffed bear with a bow tie tied around its neck. 

"That one," he declared. The game attendant handed me the bear and I smiled and handed it to Levi with a kiss. Levi smiled, small and comforting and suddenly the lights strung up all around the park couldn't shine as brightly as that. It felt like safety and home, it was my whole world. It was, amazing. 

"Let's go on the Ferris wheel you sap, I want my turn to be romantic too. I'm gonna kiss you once we reach the top, like in those Lifetime dramas you watch all the time," he said. I laced my fingers between his and smiled, swinging our hands between us. 

"Don't lie, you like them too," I replied as we made our way towards the Ferris wheel. And yeah, today was a good day.

Author's Note: Holy shit guys do you know how many views this has???? It's literally all preteen cringe from three years ago. Three years ago and Y'all are still commenting daily. Thank you. If anything's going to be my legacy it might as well be this and not Twerkcules or something ridiculous like that. That being said I'm so sorry for not updating in that long. I left Attack on Titan a while ago, like a long time ago. This was honestly a huge walk down memory lane. I have no idea what's even happening in the fandom anymore. Last I heard Armin died but also became a titan or something? I don't know. Anyways, I don't know if I'm going to revive this or not since I'm kind of busy. Guys, I'm almost an adult can you believe that? I'm working in a preschool and I just sent in two other job applications, I'm looking at colleges! That's a scary thought. But yeah needless to say between one job and maybe even two now I'm kind of busy. I thought I should give you all something since I found half a sentence in this draft from sometime inApril of 2015. Can't believe that was two years ago holy shit. So much has happened since then. I came out as trans, I went to a performing arts high school, I found out I'm autistic, I found new shows (Voltron for the win right now!), I might learn how to drive, I've gotten multiple jobs, I'm going to take the ACT/SAT next year, I'm signing up for my junior year of high school, it's been crazy. But hopefully, this isn't too bad. I'm going to admit I pretty much stopped writing altogether after 8th grade. This has been my first true attempt that's going to be posted in years. It felt pretty good though, to be honest. I might keep doing it. We'll see. Anyways, thank you all for being such loyal readers, I still read every single one of your comments. I'm forever grateful that you all enjoy it this much. Let me know how you liked this. I know my writing style has changed a lot over the years haha.

Also! Bonus points if you know where that roller coaster is from/what amusement park they're at! I described a real place. It's in my home state and it's a pretty good amusement park, I'm going there on Thursday after work with my wonderful significant other (who was there for all of this preteen cringe, it was a fun time for us all lmao)

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