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Eren's POV

I woke up to light spilling in through the curtains and the smoke detector going off. The last part is what got me springing out of bed without a shirt. I noticed Levi wasn't in bed, maybe he was already up. I ran out of the room and into the living room frantically looking for Levi.
That's when I heard him coughing from the kitchen. I looked over to my left and saw smoke pouring from the kitchen and... Levi, waving a towel in front of the smoke detector while standing on top of a stool grumbling something.
"Levi?" I asked, the panic from earlier washing away as I realized Levi was safe and there was no actual fire. "What?" he asked turning to face me, I could see he was extremely frustrated. "What are doing?" I asked him quizzically, the burning question was what he burned but I took a safer approach.
"I'm trying to get this damned thing to shut up." he said turning back to his work. I chuckled slightly before taking the towel from him and fanning the detector and pushing a button until it shut off. Levi mumbled a few things before stepping off the stool and walking over to where the smoke had died down to reveal a counter filled with a box of pancake mix, a fairly large yellow mixing bowl, a spoon, a pan, and some blueberries. Then it hit me.
"Were you trying to make pancakes?" I asked watching as he started chiseling some black substance off the pan. "Tch, what if I was?" he asked doing what Hanji and I call his 'Famous Tongue Click". "I think it's adorable that you burned them to the pan." I replied quickly before hugging him from behind and putting my chin on his shoulder. "Shut up Brat." he said before dumping the pan into the sink in defeat.
He pulled away from me and dug out a new pan from out form one of the cabinets and placed it on the stove. "Now help me make these so it doesn't go to waste." He poured the batter into the pan and I grabbed a black plastic spatula. I began flipping them and I guess I got a bit carried away because the next thing I knew Levi was next to me looking up at the pancake on the ceiling.
"How the hell did you manage that Brat?" He asked, angering laced into his voice. "Uhhh... I don't actually know." I said also looking up. I looked down to see a pissed off Levi. I waltzed up to Levi and pulled him closer to me. "My bad." I said a smirk finding its way on to my face as I crashed my lips into his.
But before I could do anything the pancake fell on top of us. I snorted and then had to sit down because I was laughing so hard. Levi just stood there and looked both shocked and angry. Eventually I stood up, peeled the pancake off his face, and threw it away still laughing. "How about we just go to a diner?" I asked throwing away the now burning pancakes and putting yet anther pan into the sink.
He held my hand and walked out with me. "Alright, but I'm driving. If your driving skills are anything near as bad as your cooking skills we'll die." He said, I could tell he was dying to make a joke out of my cooking. It would never be lived down.
We ended up going to the "Night Time Titan Diner and Café" and getting pancakes. And then we caught a movie at the dollar theatre but criticized it more than watched it. All in all, a great day.


{Hehe I'm in class writing this. Anyways sorry it's shitty and short, this one was really hard. But the pancake falling on the heads during a kiss was Kelli's idea. Sooo here you go ^_^ }

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