Picture Frames

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Eren's POV

I was looking through the closet when I found some old photo albums Levi has laying around. So here I am, sitting on the couch gushing at how utterly adorable Levi was. He had the steely blue eyes and raven black hair. He had the same haircut and glare. But he was a little kid so some of the pictures had him smiling and doing random stuff little kids do.
There was one with him glaring at a little girl that was on her hands and knees next to Levi. Levi had adorable little shorts on held up by blue suspenders. He was holding a stick and drawing a man in the sand. The girl I presumed was Hanji, she had the same red hair and big brown eyes filled with delight and curiosity. She had a yellow bow holding up he messy bun and was in a brown skirt, a tan shirt, and a red jacket. So they knew each other as kids? That's so cute.
I turned the page to see a picture of whom I presumed to be Levi's father holding a child no more than 2. A small smile present on what looked exactly like Levi but slightly older and the widest smile you could imagine on the child. I turned some more pages until I heard the front door open.
"I'm home." I heard Levi call the kitchen. I heard the fridge open and close and shuffling and looked up to see him with a coke in hand leaning against the doorway. "What's that?" He asked motioning to the book. "Oh nothing." I said, a smirk creeping up onto my lips. "Seriously what is it?" He asked walking towards me.
"You're really cute as a kid you know that?" I asked gripping the book harder to make sure it doesn't get ripped from my hands. "Where did you find that?" He said nearly throwing his drink down and trying to grab the book from me just as I anticipated.
He was strong but I put up quite the fight. He gave up I'm guessing not wanting to hurt me and sat down next to me to see where I was in the book. I smiled the cheesiest smile possible at him and looked back at the book in my hand.
I saw a picture of a little kid who looked about 4-6 years old underneath a sheet. He had his hands up and curled slightly like he was impersonating a tiger or something. He had lovely eyes. Such a beautiful color. I could picture a little kid popping up out from the sheets on the clothes line and giving out a breathy "Raaaah." Trying to scare someone.
Then I remembered something and I ran out of the room, flipping the album onto the spot next to me and dug out one of my albums. I took out a picture of me underneath some sheets hanging from a clothes line, my vibrant green eyes shimmering.
I had my fingers in my mouth and I was pulling on the corners of my mouth to make a silly face. I ran back out to see Levi trying sneak some photos out of the album. I pulled one from his hand and placed it back into the book before turning the page to the picture of Levi under the sheets. I placed mine on top of the one next to it and smiled.
"Look Heichou, they're almost the same and we never even met each other then!" I said beaming at him. I watched him study the picture before taking out the picture of him and taking the picture of me to a side closet by the bathroom.
"Levi what are you doing?" I asked approaching him. Suddenly he turned around with a smile on his face (shocking right?) as he held up a duel picture frame.
My picture on top, his on bottom. Before I could respond he walked past me and put it onto the coffee table to admire it. I smiled and walked towards him, I put my arm around his waist and pulled him close. "Perfect." I said before placing a small kiss on the too of his head.
We spent the rest of the day looking at pictures of us and explaining the meaning behind them. But nothing will beat the two pictures on the coffee table.

{Inspired by two pieces of fanart that was described above. The main one (Little Eren and Little Levi in the sheets) is on the cover of this story top left hand corner. And uh again, I haven't edited these because I HATS revision with a burning passion. Plus I can only do it on the computer because my iPod is old and sucks balls. So enjoy this. Oh, and thank you for 100 fucking views! That's amazing!}

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