Sewing Class

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Levi's POV

"Hanji, no. We will not go to your sewing class with you." I said crossing my hands over my chest to show my decision is final. Not that that would stop her from pressing on. "Eren will go with me right?' she said looking hopefully at Eren who up until now had been distracted by his phone. Eren looked between me and Hanji as if searching for some kind of indication as to what he was being pulled into. "No, Eren. Just say no." I said hoping he would take the message. "Awe come on Levi that's not fair!" Hanji said pouting.

I pinched the bridge of my nose between my thumb and index finger sighing. "What am I being volunteered for exactly?" I heard Eren behind me. "Convince your boyfriend to come to my sewing class with me. Please." Hanji replied. 'Uh Hanji, I don't-" "There see he doesn't want to go to your stupid class shitty glasses." I broke in before Eren could say anything that could potentially get us stuck in some shitty sewing class. "But what if I-" "No." "But Levi I didn't even finish!" "I don't care, no." "Levi." "Hanji, no." "Levi just give up and say we'll go. You can bring a book or something." that was Eren's comment, and it took me a minute to figure out he was serious.

"Yay! Thank you Eren!" Hanji said hugging him. At this point it did seem hopeless to argue with Hanji like a bunch of kindergartners. "Ugh fine." I said throwing my hands up in anger and walking away dragging Eren with me. "See you two lovebirds tomorrow!" I heard behind me. I rolled my eyes and drove us home in our horribly old car, one of these times we were going to have to get a new one. The second we got home we collapsed on the bed and began falling asleep. We had been following Hanji around the entire day and my god does she have too much energy. Soon enough we were asleep and awaiting the next day with dread.

--------------------------------------------------------TIME SKIP------------------------------------------------------

I woke up to my phone buzzing annoyingly on the bedside table, Eren spooning me from behind. "Good morning." he said kissing the top of my head. I held his hand close to my heart enjoying the moment of Eren's soft breathing on my hair and his warm hands in mine as if they were made to fit into mine so perfectly. That was until my phone buzzed again, and then again. I sighed and propped myself up onto my elbow and grabbed my phone. I flipped it open not even bothering to read the name.

"What?" I stated coldly into the phone.

"Are two up? You're gonna be late!" I was met by a voice that could only be Hanji's.

"Can't we just skip it?" I asked questioning why we ever agreed to it in the first place.

"No you promised!"


"You're gonna be late if we keep arguing. I sent you the address. Just get up and go."

I sighed and pulled away from Eren's grasp. "Get up, your new best friend is dragging us to her stupid sewing class." I said grabbing some neatly folded clothes from my drawer. I walked into the bathroom and came back out a couple minutes later fully dressed with a handful of clothes in my hand. I threw them into the hamper by our bedroom door and put on my shoes. Eren was already in different clothes and unplugging his phone from he charger.

I swear he was glued to that thing more often than not. Who knows what he's doing on there. My guess was texting Armin and Mikasa. I walked over to a small book shelf we had in the bedroom and chose the book "Freak the Mighty" not my favorite book but it'll suffice. We walked outside into the humid air hand in hand. Down those familiar stairs and into the car that threatened to burst apart at any second.

I prayed it wouldn't start so I could tell Hanji we couldn't come but of course it didn't happen that way. It started up perfectly and I sighed and looked at my phone for the address. It turns out I knew exactly where it was. I backed out and we dove there in silence. My eyes glued to the road and Eren's to the window on his right. We parked and walked inside.

It was some kind of Mormon church in room 11. We walked down the long corridor when I realized if any of the women there were religious we wouldn't be welcome there. So I reached for Eren's hand, hoping we'd be kicked out. But just like the car, it didn't happen that way.

We walked in and took a seat, Eren now playing some stupid game on his phone. Hanji sat next to us, no, fell into the chair next to us. She was so excited and fell off the chair. I smirked as she sat down into the chair without falling this time and handed me a needle and three tings of fabric. "Uh no, I just came here to read a book." I said throwing the fabric at Eren interrupting his game and making him glare at me.

"He's the reason we're here, he can sew some stupid shirt." but then Hanji handed me more sewing materials. "Hanji," I began getting annoyed. "I'm not doing this." I said setting them next to me. "Oh yes you are, that's why you're here, you need to participate or you'll be kicked out!" she said. Her eyes were bright and swimming in joy that I actually came. "Fine with me." I replied with a cold stare before pulling out my book and opening to the first page.

1. The Unvanquished Truth

I never had a brain until Freak came along and let me borrow his for a while, and that's the truth, the whole truth. The unvanquished truth, is how Freak would say it, and for a long time he did all the talking.

That's as far as I got before Hanji nudged me and I looked over to see everyone's begun sewing and even Eren was working on something. I realized I wouldn't be able to get any reading done the second Hanji took my book from my hands and put it away out of reach from me. I sighed and picked up the needle, thread, and fabric that was on my left and began sewing. And soon all my focus was on my work, I planned on making Eren a scarf.

Unoriginal but I got the idea from how Mikasa clings to that red scarf Eren gave her for dear life.But before I knew it the class was over. I figured that out by Eren standing up next to me and stretching before tapping on my shoulder. "Levi, come on. The class is over." He said. I looked up for the first time since this thing began. My scarf was nearly finished, I ended up finishing it a long time ago, I was now sewing my name and Eren's into it.

"One second" I mumbled before finishing the dot on top of the 'i' in my name. I stood up and handed it to him and he looked at the end I had been working on so frivolously. "Eren and Levi" he read aloud, the brightest smile on his lips as he wrapped it around his neck and took a deep inhale of it's sent. And before I could do anything I was being crushed in a hug.

"I love it." he said into my shoulder. My lips threatened to curve into a large smile but I decided I'd let them regardless of the fact that we were in public. Finally he let me go and I went to get my book back from Hanji who was now examining the scarf I had made. "Wow Levi, you're really good at sewing!"she said letting go of the scarf and handing me my book. "wanna come back here next weekend?" she asked hope brimming in her eyes. "NO!" I said a little too loudly before grabbing Eren by the scarf and gently pulling him behind me like a dog and out into the car.

Before we got in I made sure to kiss him passionately on the lips by the church. For good measure to make sure I piss off any passing by homophobes. I smiled and got into the car wit Eren on the other side snuggling his new scarf like a small child with a new stuffed toy. God he was so cute, I loved him more than I ever loved anyone else. He was and always be my life.

{*DISCLAIMER* I don't own Freak the Mighty, I just love that book too much. All rights go to Rodman Philbrick who wrote the book. That is a word for word excerpt I typed up there. I recommend this book highly. Again, I don't own it. I just love it.}

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