Illness Brat

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Eren's POV

I woke up to Levi springing out of bed rather violently and bolting towards the bathroom. I sat up and heard some awfully gruesome sounds as he dry heaved into the toilet. I got out of bed and entered the bathroom to kneel beside him and pet his hair soothingly.

As soon as he sat back against the wall I carefully hoisted him up bridal style and carried him back to the bed. I tucked him underneath the tan colored sheets. I kissed his forehead which felt very got underneath my pale pink lips. I walked into the kitchen grabbing a bowl, a towel that I had run under cold water, and some ibuprofen for later.

I walked the short distance back into our room and set the bowl next to Levi so he wouldn't have to run to the bathroom constantly and I placed the folded towel on his swearing forehead. I listened to his soft breathing as I sat next to him on the floor. I planned on taking care of him until he was better because I loved him. He was so sick and I just wanted to make it all go away.

I don't even understand how he got sick, he's always so cautious and clean. I guess that gave him a weak immune system or something. Who knows. I found myself drifting off as my head drooped and jerked up constantly. I didn't want to sleep with Levi like this.


I woke up on the floor next to Levi's side of the bed. I looked over to see Levi curled into the fetal position facing me with his left arm under his head and his right hand gripping hi elbows. His cheeks were painted a slight pink and he snores from being so congested.

It was utterly adorable, between the way his bangs covered his eyes and went every which way to how softly he breathed. I smiled and moved his bangs, watching as they fell through my hands and his soft black hair fell back onto his eyes. I sat like this for a while before Levi's eyes fluttered open and he yawned quietly. He took his right hand and started tracing my cheek bone to my jawline.

"Morning Brat." He said softly and hoarsely. "Morning Levi, how are you feeling?" I asked feeling his forehead with the back of my hand. It was hot, I mean fever hot. "Like shit." He said before retracting his hand and pushing mine away.

"Don't touch me, I'll get you sick." He said taking his left arm out from under his head and putting it next to him as he rolled over. "Levi, I won't get sick. I have a strong immune system. I'll be fine." I said gripping his hand. He resisted for a while bit finally it relaxed. "You better." He said with closed eyes.

The day went slowly, I cleaned the house so Levi wouldn't have to stress about it. God knows what happens if things aren't cleaned daily, our apartment smells of Windex more often than not. Levi also threw up a few times and I had to force him to eat some toast.

But he seemed to be steadily getting better. So at least there was that. Hanji even came over and tried to offer him some soup she made but I guess it was really bad because one taste after a long argument and he spit it out into the bowl and began coughing.

I guess Hanji likes pepper a lot, because when I looked at the soup, the top was covered black flakes and Levi had downed an entire glass of water. At least she tried right? I was still exhausted from a few hours of sleep though.

But I kept going, it's weird, I felt nauseous at one point for some reason, probably just overheated though. Tylenol is really useful for fevers though, Levi's temperate wasn't even that high by the end of the day.

I curled up next to him, he was asleep and facing me curled into a small ball. I got as close as I could to him without waking him up and drifted off to sleep happily.


Levi's POV

I woke up feeling a lot better then I did yesterday. I opened my eyes hoping Eren would be there to greet me but when I looked over he wasn't there. The covers had been thrown off him in a strange manner. Eren always made sure to place them gently on the bed so I wouldn't go crazy with OCD tendencies. I wonder where he could possibly be.

But before I could even think of any possibilities I heard a familiar sound of dry heaving and stomach contents coming back up.

"Eren?" I called sitting up and beginning to slide off the bed. I heard the toilet flush and he entered the room wiping his mouth. His face a flushed pink.

"Tell me you're not." I said looking at him as he flopped onto the bed and groaned into his pillow. "I am." He said turning his head to face me. "Strong immune system my ass." I said rubbing his back soothingly. This should be interesting.

{Sorry it's so cliché and short and shitty. I also didn't bother to edit it because I am utterly exhausted from today's events and revision is death and useless on my iPod. So I'll have to do it later on the computer. But I leave you with this unless I can't sleep. So enjoy.}.

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