Riddle Me This

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Levi's POV

Today had been one of those days. You know the one. The one where everything seems to be going wrong. And boy was Levi feeling the effects of it. He slammed his car door shut and took a few deep breaths. He had to take a minute to remind himself that he was no longer at work, that he was home and about to walk into his house with the love of his life standing there with his arms outstretched and waiting to welcome him home.

After a few more seconds of breathing and standing in the illuminated area of the driveway, he started his way up towards the door. But upon opening the door he was not met with Eren standing by the door where he usually was when Levi came home. Nor did he hear him singing along to the radio in the kitchen. Hell, he didn't hear anything. The house was dead silent and the living room was shrouded in the darkness except for a lamp in the corner. The sound of rain started up outside and Levi let out a sigh. He was not looking forward to a night alone.

He set his coat in the closet and started walking towards the opening to the kitchen. He paused. That wasn't always there, was it?

Upon further inspection, he determined that no, the new set of picture frames with each of their last names on it above a small shelf had indeed not always been there. He observed the pictures in the frames that were slightly overlapping each other. There was one from their trip to the amusement park two months ago, a group picture of all of their friends, a picture of Eren in an apron cooking dinner (this one next to the word Jaeger in blocky writing), a picture of the two of them staring at each other lovingly on date night (taken by Hanji), and a picture of Levi tying a tie preparing for a date night next to the word Ackerman in fancy cursive. It was all very well put together and every picture fits in every frame perfectly. Right below it was what was most interesting though. It was a bright yellow sticky note with a chicken scratch arrow pointing down to the shelf. Upon further inspection, Levi noticed a bag of Three Musketeers on the shelf.

He pulled it from the shelf and another sticky note dropped down. When he picked it up he noticed it had more of Eren's chicken scratch on it.

"I go up and I go down but I never move. Find me and you will find your next clue."

Puzzled, Levi looked around. Clues? So now he was going on a scavenger hunt for his boyfriend? He shrugged and continued on, turning the clue over in his head. What goes up and down without moving? He peered around for a minute before his eyes laid upon the stairs to the side of him. Stairs go up, and they go down, but they also remain stationery, right?

Levi smiled and climbed the flight of stairs and found a sticky note stuck to the wall.

"I contain the things you use every day, but very rarely am I ever opened. It is here that you will find your next clue."

Levi absentmindedly tapped the note onto his mouth in thought. Used every day but rarely opened? He went through his usual day and what he used. Coat, keys, bed, blankets, tv remote, cleaning supplies, towel, food... It dawned on him that he used cleaning supplies every day, but they had a full closet dedicated to the extras they had as well as towels. The closet, however, was only opened maybe once or twice a week because the opened supplies were kept under the sink for easy access.

He made his way down the hall and opened up the supply closet but he didn't see a note anywhere. Perplexed, he began shoving things around. He moved the bottles and sponges and even shifted through each individual towel in an attempt to find the supposed clue. Frustrated he turned to close the door and reevaluate the clue when something caught his eye. He moved the door open again and found that on the inside of the door was a sticky note, although this one was pink instead of the previous highlighter yellow.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 09, 2017 ⏰

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