Chapter 8

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My hand gripped Alex's tightly, and he gave mine a gentle squeeze. We knew those two loved each other, but Ronnie could want this done another way.

Ronnie cycled through several emotions before landing on a smile. She quickly picked up the front of her dress and ran back up the aisle to Rosie yelling, "Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes!" The tension eased in the room when Ronnie jumped into Rosie's arms and they hugged and kissed.

I let go of Alex's hand and walked down the aisle to where Lilly and Isaac were sitting and waved for the guards to appear. "Isaac Blake, you are under arrest for attempted sexual assault, false imprisonment, kidnapping-," "Attacking a royal!" Dad added.

"And- well I'm sure I can think of a few more," I continued, then I looked at Lilly, "Lilly Blake, you're under arrest for kidnapping, false imprisonment, attempted murder, attempted murder of a Royal, and defamation of a Royal." The guards grabbed them and walked away with them while reading their rights.

Then I walked to the would've been groom, "Sorry, lover boy, you're not getting married today." "Fine with me," He chuckled and walked off into the crowd. He found a young man with dark red hair and emerald eyes and kissed him passionately. "Huh," I chuckled looking at Alex who followed me, "Didn't expect that."

"The officiant left," Dad frowned, walking to me. "It's fine, people are entitled to their opinions," I shrugged. "Have a seat, Muffin," I said, kissing Alex's cheek. I walked over to the altar and stood behind the podium. Dad chuckled and sat back down. Alex sat by Juni and Will. Leo and Sam sat behind them in an empty spot.

I clapped my hands a couple of times, and the entire room changed into different decorations. Blue butterflies everywhere. Then I called out to Ronnie and Rosie. "Ladies, please. The people want cake!" Everyone chuckled at my comment. They broke apart and looked at me. "Come along," I smiled.

I waved to the organist, who began to play the wedding march. Rosie and Ronnie walked arm and arm up to the altar. I smiled once they were settled and the music stopped.

"Well, I don't exactly know how to do this, so I am just going to wing it," I chuckled. There were scattered chuckles around the room as I continued, "I'm just gonna do this the Holly way. I have known these two ladies for a very long time. When I was young I didn't believe in a thing called 'love'. I'd been hurt so many times I couldn't count.

"When I met these two, we became close. I saw the way they looked at each other. The way they fought and the way they made up. I saw the lights in their eyes. How they did everything together. When they were too busy forgetting the world around them, I saw the world through them. The better part of the world.

"Thanks to these two amazing women here, I saw how love and trust was supposed to be. So I hope that when all of you look at these two women, you see it too; because love is love.

"No, it is more than that. Love is having complete and utter trust in each other. It's caring for each other, protecting each other... but most of all... it's being with each other forever.

"I am glad to see this for these two, because out of everyone here... they deserve it the most, and- most importantly- they have fought for it the hardest," I finished and there was a bit of clapping, but it died back down.

Ronnie and Rose were smiling and tearing up. "Now Rosie, we all heard your proclamation of love," I chuckled. Then I looked at Ronnie, "Ronnie? Anything you'd like to say?"

"Yeah," Ronnie smiled and took Rosie's hands in hers, "Rosie, from the moment I saw you, I knew you were mine. You quickly became my whole world, and you have changed my life in so many ways. I got a taste of what it would've been like without you, and you can be rest assured that I don't want another slice of that cake." Rosie giggled a bit as Ronnie continued.

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