Chapter 4

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Warning ;) - A spicey scene is coming up. For those not comfortable... just skip it XD, for those of you excited... enjoy


"Holly? Holly, it's okay," I heard Alex's voice echo into the white, "You're going to be okay. I have you, Honey Bun." "Wha-?" My own voice echoed along with his, but I don't remember speaking. "Shh, just relax, Honey bun," I felt something cold touch my forehead, and my body relaxed dozing off completely, "That's it, Honey Bun. Rest."

After a while, I blinked open my eyes and looked around. It was quiet, and I was laying in a strange bed. It was soft and had silk sheets that I immediately smiled and wrapped my arms around, and I gasped when I saw my white frosted hands with long, thick, and sharp black claws.

I looked down at my body that was now completely white and frosted as well in the colder parts of my body. Arms, fingers, toes, legs... Almost like I was frostbitten, but without the pain and blood. My feet looked the same as my hands but the claws were not as sharp. My hair was the same but stark white with what appeared to be crystals sparkling in it.

I quickly got up and ran into the bathroom to see my appearance. My Amber eyes are now glowing and cat-eye. My cheekbones were covered in frost looking patterns that looked like it was falling from my eyes. I noticed the white antler-like horns with strands of my hair hanging from it. They were small, but I still wasn't sure how I slept with them. Despite all that, I was shocked to see a thin, frosted white tail with a spade on the end whipping about behind me.

I must be a demoness now, but I didn't care. I smiled and ran from the bathroom to the window of the room we were in. My smile grew wider when I saw the city beneath me. A mortal city. A human city. A living city. I was free!

I let out a laugh as I paced over to the bed and jumped back in it. I rolled around in the silk sheets and fluffy pillows. Then I stopped a moment and took in the scent of coffee and the cool breeze from the window. After I felt my body relax some, I continued to roll around. I didn't care how badly I wanted to shower and change. I just wanted to enjoy a soft warm bed in the middle of a nice cool breeze.

"Good Morning," Alex smiled, walking into the room with a cup of coffee. I popped my head up and looked at him as he continued, "I would just say 'hello', but it's 'morning' and 'good' in the beautiful place called the Living World. Perhaps I should say, 'welcome back to the world of the living, Holly'." He sat down and handed me a cup of coffee. "Mmm, thank you," I said, taking it and taking a sip of it, not minding the heat, "Delicious."

"Yeah? I didn't know how you like the coffee, so I made it like mine," He replied. "You know what would make this even more amazing?" I asked. "What?" He smiled. "A muffin from my Muffin," I smiled. "Ah, well I think they have some, but I have other plans in mind," He chuckled, "So we're going to enjoy some time together while your powers adjust to the living world." "What do you mean?" I asked.

"You have strong powers, and you're used to using them in Hell where you can use all your strength. Here it's a little different. You have to be very careful at how much force you put into your spells. You could cause property damage, or even hurt someone you care about without even trying," He explained. "Very well. I like any reason for alone time with you," I said, putting my cup down.

"Firstly," He set his cup down, "I'm sure you'd like to shower." "No, I'd rather get even more dirty," I smirked as I crawled into his lap, "Very, very dirty." He chuckled as he wrapped his arms around me, "Well, who am I to deny my honey bun everything she wants?" He leaned into a kiss with me, and our mouths slotted together for the first time.

"I didn't think I'd ever want you as bad as I do right now," I hummed into the kiss as I started to unbutton the shirt he had given me before. I straddled his lap as he pushed my hands away and ripped the shirt open. The strength he showed to rip the buttons sent chills down my spine. "Ooh Muffin, you're so strong," I smiled wrapping my arms around his shoulders, "I want you. I want you as my soulmate. I want you to never leave me."

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