Chapter 15

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Alex's body took a sharp breath, and he hyperventilated as I attempted to take him into my arms. "Alex! Muffin! You- you're back! You came back to me!" I sobbed as I held him tightly. I felt his hands on my wrists as I fought to keep him in my arms. He looked up at me, and I looked down at him. His pale face quickly regained color, and the most handsome pale green eyes looked at me with worry.

He still appeared disoriented, but I felt more worry coming from him than much else. I couldn't stop crying. I couldn't. He reached up and caressed my cheek. My hand went to his and held it tightly, though he was still able to rub my cheek with his thumb.

"Honey bun?" He managed. Finally, he spoke. I let out the breath I hadn't realized I was holding. "Is that you under all that blood?" He questioned with concern. I looked down at myself and let out a breathy chuckle as I nodded. I couldn't speak. There was so much joy and excitement.

"Is this one of those situations where I should see the other guy?" He smirked a bit. Everyone breathed a small laugh. "If there's anything left of him to see," Dad added with a small laugh. "You came back to me, muffin," I finally managed. Alex nodded with a small smile. Then I pulled him into a hug and sobbed onto his chest.

"Don't... ever... scare me... like that... again!" I spoke between sobs. "Never," He replied holding me tightly, "I love you so much, honey bun." "I love you more," I cried back. "I am here," He assured, "I am here. I'm not going anywhere." Then everyone joined in the hug. I have never been so happy in my life.

Namir was dead! We're all alive! I was finally feeling relief from the most unbearable pain I have ever experienced in my entire life. "Alright," He chuckled, rubbing my back and petting my hair, "Alright. Let's go home." I nodded as everyone started to pull away from the hug.

I looked at my family. Confusion inched across my face as I noticed Juni's stark white hair. I gasped, "Juni! You're hair!" Juni returned my confused look and gasped as she looked at her hair, "Oh my!" Then she looked at me, "Oh my! Your hair too!" I Looked at my hair that wasn't coated in blood.

Then we both looked at dad. "You're marked by the angels, because you saved Alex. No magic or dye could change the color. It'll just go back to the way it is," Dad explained. "Well, you know what... I Like it," I smiled, "I'll wear it like a badge of honor."

"Well, congratulations, you eight. I really need to deal with the mess back home," Dad sighed, "Go home. Rest. It's over now." I nodded as Leo and Will helped Alex to his feet. I scrambled to mine as well, and Alex put his arm around my waist. "Are you ready to go to the Caribbeans?" Alex asked me, "Like I promised you."

"Yeah," I breathed as I attempted to wipe my eyes. "A hug for dear old dad?" Dad asked, holding his arms out. I smiled and hugged him, "I love you, Dad." "I love you too," He replied, kissing the top of my head. We pulled apart so that he could hug Juni. Everyone got a hug from dad before he left to return to Hell.

"Rosie and I are going to take a long awaited honeymoon," Ronnie said walking over to Alex and I, "I believe this is where we are to part ways for now." "Thank you for everything. Both of you," I smiled brightly now that it was over. The relief had washed over me.

"We'll always be family, Holly. If you two need anything. Anything at all. You need only to ask," Rosie assured, "We'll see you soon." "And you," Alex smiled as we each hugged the girls. They walked over and hugged Leo, Sam, Juni, and Will.

Alex and I walked over to them. "We're going to be headed out too. I know it seems so sudden, but Sam and I are ready for some vacation time," Leo explained. "It's okay. Go on!" I smiled with a nod, "Alex promised me a house on the Caribbeans," I replied. "You're leaving too?" Juni frowned.

"Not for long, sis. Go with Will and live your life. If anything happens, Alex and I will call you. I promise." "Are you sure?" Juni asked. "Juniper Bradley! You have a man there that wasn't to spend alone time with you. I love you, but do something for you for once," I ordered her, "Go have fun! I know I will." I tossed her a wink.

"Well, if you're sure everything will be okay, then how can I resist?" Juni smiled as Will wrapped his arms around her. "I am so ready to spend time with my baby girl," He smiled. "I love you sis," Juni smiled. "I love you too," I smiled in return. Well all shared hugs and went about our separate ways.

I knew that we would reunite soon, so I wanted to spend as much time alone with Alex as I possibly could. He wrapped his arm around my waist and flew us away from that place. I was so happy that I would never have to look upon it again. 

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