Chapter 1

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I cried out in pain as the demon, Namir, and the demons that worked for him clawed, scratched, and bit at me. They ripped me to little pieces and then I would just somehow reform so they could do it again. There was nothing for me but pain and torment. Nothing to stop it, nothing to change it, and no one to save me.

"Ugh, this would be more fun if she'd shut up. Deal with it," Namir snarled. I pleaded as one demon grabbed my tongue with a pair of hot tongs. The other demon took a razor sharp knife and whipped it across my tongue so quickly I didn't realize it was done until the pain was gone. I cried out from the pain.

"I need a break... take her to the cells. Now!" Namir yelled at them before leaving. They took large blunt objects and started to beat me with them. I cried out when my bones broke beneath their swings. My body was in so much pain and they had no intention of fixing it. It was to keep me from fighting when they dragged me to my cell.

They grabbed my broken arms, causing me to cry out in pain, then they began to drag me down the fire-burnt hallways. A different direction than I was used to them dragging me to. There was nothing but fire and the smell of something burnt no matter where they took me.

They went through some large metal doors that I was sure I couldn't open on my own. Especially since I couldn't see straight. My vision was mixing between somewhat clear and blurry. I could see the land outside the building I was in when they carried me across what seemed like battlements. I could see some sort of window or door out in the distance. Swirling black magic just before my vision blurred.

Screams of fear and pain echoed around me when we reentered the building through another door. Chilling me to my broken bones. There were multiple cells along one side of the hallway. Many had demons and other trapped souls reaching their arms through to grab at us. Trying to grab me.

"Oooh fresh meat!" One yelled and reached out to grab my ankle. "Ah!" I cried out as it tried to yank me from the demons carrying me. Jostling my bones. "Get back!" One of the demons carrying me ordered and slammed it's weapon against the bars. The creature or soul that grabbed my foot had retreated after letting it go.

They eventually stopped in front of an empty cell and threw me into it. I cried out in pain as my body jostled on the floor. Then they slammed the door, locked it, and left. I just laid there and cried in pain and loneliness.

"Well aren't you a pretty little thing," A soul chuckled from a cell next to me. I gasped and did everything I could to crawl away from him to the other side, despite my broken bones. Then I heard someone talk to me from the cell on the other side of me.

"Oh? Oh? You're new around here! Are you recently from the living world?" The man said. I attempted to turn my head to face him, hoping to see him. His voice echoing, "Wait? You're- you're hurt. Here crawl as close to me as you can." I did everything I could to move closer to reach him. "I- I," I tried to speak without my tongue. "Ouch they took your tongue?" He frowned, "Well I can't give you your tongue back, but I can take the pain away. Come closer." I glared at him best I could, because it was just hurting too badly.

"Come one, I can help you. What's a little bit of pain now, if I could remove the pain altogether?" He asked. I did my best to use my other arm, which was also broken, to push me towards him. Once he had a hold of my hand, he started to pull me towards him. I whimpered from the pain, and he just started shushing me to calm me.

"Shh.... shh... It's okay. I have you now. Just relax," He said as he carefully placed his hand on my forehead. My eyelids began to be too heavy for me to keep open. "Sleep," His voice echoed as I fell into a deep sleep. He started to pet my hair to help me relax, and I felt all of the pain they caused me go away.

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