Chapter 10

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To say Holly running off like that was something I'd never seen before would be a lie. She was always closed off, but despite the positive and giggling behavior, she has always been demure. She kept to herself, and wasn't outspoken. The wedding was very out of character for her, unless all that time in Namir's domain had changed her.

Will gently took my hand and squeezed it gently. "It's okay, Juni. She's just going through a lot," Lucifer frowned, "Let Alex talk to her." "I shouldn't have asked," I frowned, wracking my brain at what could've happened to her to make her react this way. "She is a new demon, Juniper. She's got to learn to control her shifts and magic. New demon along with being out of a place where her powers were suppressed for so long," Ronnie explained.

"Not completely," Lucifer replied, "She used her powers to fight, and in her escape." "She fought prior?" I asked. "Yes. From what I have been told, she was pit against demons and other souls. She had to fight or die," Lucifer explained. "Oh," I frowned as I stared off at the door hoping that Holly would come back.

"It's alright, she must be fighting through a lot," Will sighed. "She is, it's hard even for a demoness who was born this way. When we fight, the thrill of the blood gets us going in more ways than one. For her to have been forced to fight with survival being a daily award, she was conditioned to fight," Ronnie explained. "Oh I love it! The thrill of the blood pouring over my hands gets me in the mood," Rosie confirmed, tossing a seductive wink towards Ronnie.

"That's... very demonic of you," Sam chuckled. "It sure is," Rosie giggled. "Demons kill for more than just survival, it will be difficult for Holly to adjust. Especially on earth," Lucifer explained, "Holly will need time. If she goes at you... Don't take it personally. She can't control herself once the demoness in her smells blood. When her emotions get her heart pumping."

I couldn't believe my ears. Holly would try to attack me? I turned to Will who nodded. Answering my unanswered question. "She would have no control over herself. You must understand," Lucifer explained. I couldn't believe my ears. Holly would never hurt me. I frowned and stood up. I paced outside the dining hall, hoping to find Holly. I frowned when I heard her and Alex talking.

Alex seemed to be attempting to calm her while she cried frantically. "I don't know if I can," She frowned, "I- I could've killed her... for no reason!" "You can," He assured, "And no one would've let you put your hands on her." "No. No. You don't understand either!" She cried out. "What don't I understand?" He asked.

She frowned, "It's the fact that I wanted to. That I have been conditioned to fight- no- to kill! That I wanted to reach across that table and claw her throat out and watch her blood spill all over me. The thrill of it entices me, and I don't know if I can stop myself from doing it next time it comes across me. I don't know if I would want to stop."

Normally, I wouldn't be so shocked to hear my sister so afraid. This was very different. I sighed and paced up to them, "Holly, I know you. I know that you would never hurt me. You are my sister, and I love and missed you so fucking much." "You don't know me all that well," She frowned, shaking her head. "I know you more than you think. Just because of those last years, that doesn't mean that you're all that different from before," I frowned.

"I- I don't want to be like I was before? I was- I was-," "Strong. Smart. Fast, even. You were more powerful than you could ever be, Holly. Just because the power you have now is more than it was, that doesn't mean that you weren't powerful at all then. To go through what you have been through, makes you even stronger," I choked over the catch in my throat as I managed to get what I had to say out.

We've been through so much, and I was blind to many things about my sister. I will never be blind to her ever again. More tears streamed down Holly's cheeks as I spoke. "Juni, I-," "I want to know my sister. I will never be blind to you ever again," I interrupted her. Alex smiled a bit as he stepped back. I reached in and hugged her gently.

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