Chapter 12

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I bolted upright hours later. My head was pounding, and I was sweating and panting. My body was in so much aching pain that I was nearly in tears. The dark room with the dimly lit fireplace had filled my eyes. Alex must have removed the blindfold while I was sleeping, I noticed that he'd also covered me with a sheet. I looked over at where he should've been laying, but he wasn't there.

That's when I noticed a dim light coming from the bathroom door. Suddenly, it opened. The light nearly blinded me as it was too bright against my dark adjusted eyes. I gasped and looked away, shielding my eyes with my arm. "I'm so sorry," Alex apologized, and I heard the click of him shutting off the light.

I looked back up at him as he walked back over to the bed. He'd already pulled on his boxers to cover himself up. He crawled back into the bed with me and took me into his arms. He gasped as his arms touched my skin. "Honey Bun, you're burning up," He frowned and placed a hand over my forehead.

"My head hurts, too," I frowned. "You can't be having a fever, could you?" He asked. "I don't know," I replied, almost panicking. "Okay, don't freak out. It could be nothing," He assured as he held me close. "Why don't we get you into a bath to cool you down?" He suggested as he brushed my hair off my face. He placed a hand on my forehead, and I felt relief from the pounding pressure in my head.

"Thank you," I sighed. "It's exhaustion," He explained, "You kept succumbing to your demoness side, and that overworked you. You just need rest." He set me back onto the bed and stood up. Then he pulled the covers off of me and picked me up. "We're going to get you a bath to relax your muscles, otherwise, the headache will be the least of your worries," He explained as he carried me to the bathroom.

"If that's what caused it, then I don't regret it," I giggled a bit. He flipped on the switch to the bathroom, and I buried my head into his chest until my eyes adjusted. Then he set me down on a stool and began running the bathwater. "Cool or hot?" He asked. "Well start with cool, I can warm it up if I get too cold," I answered. "Alright," He said as he turned on the appropriate faucet.

I was a bit shaky at how hot I felt. Almost like I was overheating. My body was covered in sweat, and it hurt like crazy. I was beginning to panic. Afraid that something was more wrong than he said. He noticed I was shaking and knelt down in front of me. "Sweetheart," He caressed my cheek and made me look at him, "You're going to be okay. We just overworked ourselves. A cool bath will help you."

I nodded as he picked me up once again and set me down in the tub. I hissed at the chill of the water against my heated skin. Then my body relaxed a bit as the cold water slowed my racing heart down. My worked up body was now only shaking cause it was cold. I was burning up so much, I swear I heard my skin sizzle when the water touched it.

"That's it," He smiled. "Are you going to join me this time?" I asked. "If you warm it up just a bit," He chuckled, "I'm not that crazy." I waved my hands through the water warming it up to a decent temperature that he could stand. "How about now?" I asked. He reached his hand in and smiled a bit. "Okay, now I shall join you," He chuckled, pulling off his boxers.

He climbed into the tub behind me and wrapped his arms around me. His chin rested on my shoulder and he hummed. "I love you," He said with so much love lacing his voice that I wanted to cry. "I love you, too," I replied happily. "Well, it's nice to hear it back now that I'm not in your mouth," He joked. "Very funny," I rolled my eyes. I closed my eyes after and rested back against him.

"You're so beautiful that I just can't stand it," He hummed. "I want to be serious and say that I have never felt that good in my entire life, Alex. You have been my rock for so many years, and that I have never enjoyed sex as much as I do with you. I guess that's why I could keep going. I probably could forever if my human side didn't tire so easily. I have never felt safer than when I was in your arms," I cried. Tears rolled down my cheeks as a wave of emotions hit me.

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