Chapter 3

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WARNING: This chapter has brief mentions of SA and Child abuse. It doesn't happen real time, but it is mentioned. If needed, there is a bold star line marking the end of that part.

Thank you and I love you peeps! 


I sat on the porch of the place I had called my home for several years. It was odd being here without Holly for the past couple of years. It was hard to believe that it has been so long. It was even harder to believe that Holly admitted to killing Ian and Stacey. Why? How could she have done such a thing?

I was thinking hard. Holly's death still felt fresh in my mind. I could still see the cross from her grave slightly higher than the grass and wildflowers around it. The spring rain was pouring on it. I hoped for nature to put flowers on her grave along with the grass around it.

I took a sip of my coffee as Will stepped out the front door and sat down with me. "Penny for your thoughts?" He asked, taking my coffee from me. Then he took a drink of it. "Yeah I was just thinking about Holly," I frowned. "I wouldn't doubt it," He sighed, "Anything specific?" "I just- I want to know why she did it," I sighed. "Did what?" He questioned.

"No, don't you play dumb with me, Will," I glared. "No 'Pookie'?" He chuckled. "Nope, because I know you're keeping things from me," I replied, "I know that you know. I want to go back to the house. To see the scene. I want to know why." "Okay, just let me leave a note," He said getting up. I nodded and stood up as well.

I waited as he went inside and came back out of the house. Then he took my hand and flew us out to the house that Holly and I grew up in. I knew he knew. I stood in the doorway and sighed. "Wow. So this is where it happened?" He asked already inside, "There's a lot of negative energy. A lot of fear and pain."

"I wouldn't doubt it. Fear and Pain. Holly tortured them and killed them," I frowned. "No. No. This kind of energy is a stain that remains for years. This fear and pain I'm feeling has been there for years. Long before their deaths," He explained. "What do you mean? She's tormented them over the years?" I asked. "No, I mean the other way around," He explained.

That was something I didn't want to believe, but then I began to realize just how oblivious I had been over the years. All these privileges I was allowed and Holly wasn't. Me going to friends houses, but Holly was always in trouble for what seemed like no reason. Being allowed to have friends at all even, when Holly wasn't. Holly always got in trouble over nothing. I just thought she was troublesome.

Now, I'm beginning to think... Maybe she wasn't as troublesome as I thought. That was the right train of thought, I suppose. The thought that Ian and Stacey, our adopted parents, decided that they were going to adopt us, and have one to spoil and one to torture. The thought didn't sit well with me, and my stomach was turning.

What could they have done that drove her to do this? I asked myself as I looked around the blood stained living room. The chairs even still had blood stained on them. I always thought a demon did this, and I immediately had Holly pack up so we could leave as soon as possible. I didn't want to lose Holly that way.

All the blood and body parts all over the floor. I remember so little, but I did find something suspicious. I had passed it off as poor timing, but... Holly was missing just before they were killed. Ian and her had gone hunting. Then he came home saying she was lost in the woods. We hadn't seen her since that day.

I took a deep breath and took my first step from the cheery outdoors into the grim feeling of the living room. I sighed as I looked around. I gently placed a hand on the chair that Stacey was tied to, and I could hear the echoes of Holly's 12-year-old voice. "You like to watch? Well that's what you're going to do. Sit back and watch!" She snarled.

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