Chapter 2

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I laid in my cell and cried while curled up in a ball. I was paralyzed by fear and loneliness. The angel had been quiet... or was he still not there? I wasn't really sure anymore. All I could think about were the things they made me do.

The fights. They've forced me to ķill 6 more demons after that first one. Each one varying in size, but none were smaller than the first one. Isaac and Luke were making a lot of whatever it was they were betting.

They were excited every time they dropped me in the ring, but I was always bruised and bloody whenever the match was over. I was exhausted from the matches.

Everything hurts from physically to emotionally, and then back to physically. There was no way around it. Where is the angel? Why hasn't he been talking to me? Is he even there? I needed someone to talk to... He can't see me, but I just needed someone to talk to. Someone to keep me sane.

I did my best to think about him. To remember him. I thought about where I'd seen him before. His curled strawberry blonde hair, and his bruised and cut fair skin. I badly wanted to know the color of his eyes. I thought and thought about where I'd seen him before, and then I remembered... My dreams.

He was literally the man of my dreams! Well, technically nightmares. I remember now. His caring pale green eyes that I would draw in my sketchbook so I wouldn't forget. I just focused on them. The pale green abysses in his face that screamed at me for love.

I knew he could be turned away from my ratty and matted chestnut hair that was caked in blood, tired and sunken amber eyes, and pale and scarred skin that used to be a light tan.

I sighed and sniveled, as I tried to imagine what he looked like without all the cuts and bruises. I tried to put us somewhere else other than here. I wiped my eyes and sniveled a bit as I wept imagining us on a beach somewhere. His unconscious face was instead awake and smiling at me.

I was dragged back after yet another exhausting fight. Isaac and Luke, yet again, happy that I had one. That was 8 now, including the first fight. 8 fights without proper healing or food.

The other demons who would reach their arms out to grab me no longer messed with me. They were too afraid of what I would do to them. Too afraid that Isaac would make me fight them and kill them.

Isaac threw me into the cell and locked the door once again. I frowned and crawled over to the bars. "Hello?" I whispered, "Are you there?" Nothing. He was still gone.

Then I heard footsteps, and my exhausted body tensed up. I slowly crawled into the darkness in the back of my cell. Thankfully nothing really happened, even though I heard a cell door open. I heard something thump on the ground with a deep and loud 'oof'. Then the cell door closed again.

Somehow, despite how dead I felt, I also felt as though a piece of me had returned the moment I heard the man I met before. "Miss? Are you there?" He asked. I heard him crawl over to the bars between our cells. I took a raspy breath, and he took that as his answer. He followed the sound of me struggling to breathe, and I felt his hand on my arm.

I tensed even more, but then he began to rub my back hoping to comfort me. "What did they do?" He asked, "You're beaten pretty badly." I felt the warmth of his magic fill my body and the pain subsided once my bones healed.

I turned and looked at him once I could breathe again. "Thank you," I said gratefully. "Hey! They gave you your tongue back?" He asked. "Yes. I- they make me fight in a pitt," I replied. "Well judging by the fact that you're here, I would assume you won?" He asked.

"8 times," I answered. "8! 8 fights without proper healing?" He frowned. "I ripped a guy's eyeball out," I shrugged. "I suppose I don't need to kill them all, do I," He suggested, "Well, you know- when we get out of here."

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