Chapter 9

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Alex, Juni, Will, Rosie, Ronnie, Leo, Sam, and myself all sat in the dining hall of dad's palace. We were eating breakfast and conversing with one another. Finally having the time to catch up. Not only between myself and the others, but also between Alex and his de facto siblings. I could see in his pretty pale green eyes that he missed them dearly. Hell, I have missed them a lot too.

The seven of them- eight when dad wakes up and joins us- are the only family I have. They are also the only family that I will ever need, and I love them all so much. I will die to protect them, even if it's all I can do.

"I can't believe you shifted finally!" Leo chuckled looking at me. "Sure did, but I honestly don't remember it. Everything just sort of went blank," I explained. "Like a black out?" Sam asked. "More like a white out," I replied. "That just means that your instincts took over. It wasn't pretty either... for them. You were sexy taking them all down the way you did," Alex explained.

"So, you were looking at my ass while I lost control and killed a bunch of demons?" I smirked at him. "Couldn't help it. The tail is so distracting," He chuckled. I whipped out my tail and it wrapped around his eyes, "How about now?" "Very funny," He laughed as I unwrapped my tail to let him see again. The others chuckled, while also being mesmerized by my tail whipping about behind me.

"Okay, so horns, white skin, white hair, slit eyes, and tail?" Ronnie asked, "No wings?" "N-no. Was I supposed to have wings," I asked. "Well no, your mother didn't," Alex replied, "Ronnie's just curious if you're more like your father. Not necessarily a demon but a fallen angel. You probably won't get wings, however, you can transform into certain creatures with wings."

"Works for me," I shrugged. "I can imagine a cute little winged critter flying next to me," Alex chuckled. "Just for that comment, I will transform into something ugly," I joked with a laugh. "Oh really? Try your best," He laughed. "Don't underestimate me," I warned, cutting him a playful glare. He chuckled and pressed a kiss to my cheek.

"Well hello! Everyone's awake," Dad chuckled as he walked in to eat breakfast with us. I smiled widely and looked at him, "Hey daddy!" "Hey there, sweetheart," He kissed the top of my head and did the same to Juniper, "And my other darling daughter."

"Are you going to join us?" I asked him. "I would never pass up an opportunity to see all of my family together," Dad replied, taking his seat at the end of the table. Juni and I were at the end of the sides next to him, Alex was next to me and Will next to her. Leo and Sam were on their side, and Ronnie and Rosie were on my side.

"That's what we are," I smiled looking at everyone, "Family." "So, how long will you be staying? I know you have to deal with Namir, and I expect you won't be staying long?" Dad asked, fixing his plate. "Unfortunately, we won't," I replied. "I have a question, if I may?" Ronnie asked leaning in so she could see dad. "Of course, Veronica," Dad replied.

"What will happen to my family's domain?" She asked. "Well, since your parents are imprisoned here in the palace, they will be stripped of any claim. As I'm sure you'll understand, Rosana is about as much a daughter to me as Holly and Juniper, and I don't want to imagine what they have done to her. Not to mention what your father has tried to do to Holly. I can say that their crimes are completely unforgivable. I'm sorry, Veronica," He explained.

"Don't be," Ronnie sighed, "I don't want that fucking land. I Just wanted to know who was going to take it." "Well, I was hoping to give it to you, but you say you don't want it. Since it is so close to the Capital Domain, it will merge. The border between that domain and this one will be opened up and become part of the Capital. With your permission, I would level the house?" Dad explained. "Go ahead. Leave none of them behind," Ronnie smiled, "I would live elsewhere and spend the rest of my life with my beautiful wife."

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