Uhm. Don't know what to put here.

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First time writing a fanfic. Hope you enjoy. 

3rd person omniscient 

Henry was sitting in his office. William was cleaning up the aftermath of the day's party earlier. The door opened. "Fuckin' kids," William muttered as he stood in the doorway. "Could you lock up? I kinda need to deal with something." William asked, gesturing to the back hallway. "Sure." Henry got up. William put a hand infront of Henry. 




"Could you," He paused. "Could you help me with that, something?" He asked with a small smile. 

Henry hesitated there were a million possibilities in his head, some he thought to never be possible with William. 

"Sure, what do you need?" 

William took his hand and swept him into the hallway, suspending him above the floor by a hand on his waist and Henry's left hand by William's shoulder. 

"How about a kiss?" He chuckled. Henry froze, barely breathing. "You look like you wouldn't want to, Hen. But you know you want it." William chuckled as he pulled Henry up and pushed him against the wall. "Will!-" William crashed his lips against Henry's. Henry could feel William even through his jeans. "So.~" William said, looking with need and want into Henry's eyes. "Y-Yeah?" Henry stammered. William held Henry's hand and put a hand on his waist as he walked 'waltz-style' to the back room. "Will! We have wives!" Henry shouted as William shut and locked the door. "And?" William took off Henry's tie with ease and unbuttoned his own shirt but not taking it off. "What about the cameras?" Henry said. "Shit.." William muttered. He thought about that for a minute. "Table. Now." Henry looked confused. William sighed. He picked up Henry and sat him on the floor. "Ugh, dust. I thought I told you to sweep this weeks ago." Henry said as William climbed on top of him. "Blind spot." William said before he kissed Henry. Henry lost it. He wrapped his arms around William's waist and pulled his hips closer to his. Why the frick do I keep imagining Henry as Mysterio? "Heh, someone's letting it all out." William said as he thrusted his hips forwards. Henry moaned loudly. "Shh." William said as he got up and pulled Henry up. "Too much dust." He unlocked the door and practically dragged Henry to his office. "What?-" William kissed Henry as he locked the door. After a few minutes of William slipping his tongue in Henry's mouth, teasing him, he broke apart. "You..talk to.much." He said, panting slightly. Henry put a hand on the back of William's head, running his fingers through his soft hair when he reached the base of his ponytail. Henry pulled it out. "I like you better with your hair down." He said, smiling. William smiled and ran his hand along Henry's thigh. "Mmm.~"  He moaned. "You like that Hen?" He nodded. William slipped a finger in the waistband of Henry's pants and slid them down. "Wait!-" William slid the boxers down, got on his knees and licked the tip. "Ahh!~ Mm~ Fuck that feels soooo...good~ W-Wai-Ahhh..Mm~ Wait right there,~ Yeah~ J-Just like that!~" Henry repeated similar phrases as William sucked. William looked up at Henry with it still in his mouth. "You're really g-good at this Will.~" Henry said, running his fingers through William's hair. William began to hum while sucking, causing pleasing vibrations to go through the entire area. "Mmm..~" Henry moaned, grabbing a fistful of William's hair and pulling gently. Henry' moans started to get higher and quicker as William sucked faster and faster. William pulled back. "You like that Henry?~" He asked, licking the tip repeatedly. "M-Mhm.~" Henry moaned. William checked his watch. "About twenty minutes until ten, wanna just kiss until then?" William stood up and buttoned his shirt. "Sure, I guess." Henry said, pulling his pants up and wrapping his arms around William. William kissed Henry, leaving soft licks around his neck. He began to suck on his skin until Henry pulled his head back up. "No evidence, at least yet." He whispered, slowly rubbing his chin. "What about here?" William pulled the collar of His shirt down and sucked on a spot. When he was finished, a dark purple spot was left. He removed his hand from the collar. It was barely visible. "There." William said, kissing Henry one last time before walking out. "Could you still lock up? I suspect my wife is tapping her foot near the stove by now." William said, walking down the hall. "Sure, see you tomorrow, Will." Henry locked the doors and walked home. 

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