Santa hat

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William walked through the door. A christmas party was being held at Freddy's. That was the only reason he had been there. Or so he thought.

"Papa! Uncle William's here!" William heard Charlie cheer as he closed the door behind him. "Glad you could make it, Will." Henry hugged him with a wide grin. Henry had a santa hat on and a pinkish face. William simply dressed nicely in a light green dress shirt and black jeans. "Wouldn't miss it for the world, Hen." William said as someone threw a santa hat on his head. "Micheal." William glared at the shorter replica of him. "What?" William sighed and ruffled his hair. "Go get one as well then." He said, motioning to a pile labeled 'Extra santa makers'. Micheal trotted off to the table. Henry chuckled and threw an arm around William's shoulders, guiding him over to a less crowded area. "Cookies.?" William barely dodged a kid running around. "For the kids, and for the adults, if wanted!" "And what have you brought me here for.?" William asked, clearly confused. "Well," Henry paused, his face red. Adorable as always. "I was, hoping we could, maybe decorate a few together. Spend some time together. I know you've been over-working yourself." Henry said, a hopeful look on his face. William smiled. "Of course." He said, taking a few steps and picking up a blank tree cookie. Henry picked up a snowman cookie and a white icing bag. Someone walked over. "(Mrs. Emily but not mrs. Emily)!" Henry cheered. Go away. "(__), nice seeing you." William muttered through slightly gritted teeth. "Hi, Henry." A blush was visible on her face. The woman didn't acknowledge William beside Henry. "Hi, do you need something?" Henry asked, stepping away when (___) got close. "Anyways." William cut in, an arm around Henry pulling him close. "Me and Henry wanted to spend time together, y'know, since I've been working constantly for this week." William said, forcing a smile. "Alone." William said, pulling Henry just a smidge more. "Oh, okay." She walked off. William looked at Henry, flustered. "Henry?"


William took his hand and led him to his office, locked and pushed him against the door. "Do you love me?"

"I-I," Henry pushed himself forwards, wrapping his arms around William and kissing him. "Henry?"


"Love you."

Short, sorry.

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