🎁Christmas Special🎄

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10:30 am,

William's house

William's p.o.v.

William sat down on the worn armchair, a hot cup of coffee in his hand. It was Christmas morning, his children were running all over the place as if they had already gotten into the sugar and cocoa already. His oldest, of course, was sitting next to his friend, listening profusely. "Morning, William." His wife came over and kissed him on the forehead, smiling with red lips and snow-white skin. Snow. That was the disgusting substance outside. William hated Christmas. He always did. Ever since he had fallen in love with Henry, he was always jealous when Henry's wife showed him affection, kisses, and love. And Henry always returned it, just as passionate. Why couldn't it be him? Why couldn't Henry show William all that sappy stuff? Of course, William loathed the thought of anyone showing him affection, but just maybe, he would accept it from Henry. Of course this year would be different. William made sure of it. Just as the thought entered William's head, there was a heavy knock on the door. Elizabeth ran to go check through the window, cheering. "It's Uncle Henry!! Charlie's here!!" The little girl jumped up and down excitedly while William got up and opened the door. "Merry Christmas Will!" He held up his arms and smiled, his face worn with tiredness. Still he walked gleefully through the doorway, ruffling Mike's hair and picking Elizabeth up. "Uncle Henry Uncle Henry!!" The red-headed girl laughed. William scoffed silently. "Are you alright Will?" Henry sat next to him, tilting his head with the soft concern only a close friend would show him. "Just fine darling." William smiled at the nickname he had chosen. Henry just laughed nervously. "William you know not to call me that, m-my wife, you've already heard, it just doesn't feel right with you calling me that." Henry walked off, leaving William feeling dejected. But not for long. William had an entire plan set out for the day. An entire plan for Henry. 

An entire plan for their eternal future,


A few hours later (do it. Read it in the voice.)

Henry laughed as Charlie spun around the tree, her dress fluttering up and making the tiny sequins shine in the moonlight. He felt arms wrap around him form behind, hot breath tickling the air around his neck. "Merry Christmas, Henry."  William had leaned into Henry's neck, causing the soft skin to form goosebumps and Henry to shudder. "Y-You too, William." Henry chuckled softly, admiring the sparkling snow that the two families were in. William's wife came over, a look of anger on her face. "William! What are you doing to Henry with that smirk on your face?" She pulled William off of Henry and held his shoulders tight. "What do you think you're doing?!" William smiled wider. "Showing him affection, like the good friend I am." William said, glancing at the flustered mess named Henry beside him. "It's really alright, [____], I-I even encourage it!" Henry waved his hands around to emphasize his statement. "William shouldn't be paying attention to you like that, two men can't fall in love." William's wife promptly left Henry's presence, dragging Afton behind her like a dog.

"I can't believe you, William! You've always been so well behaved!" [____] shouted at her poor husband as if she owned him. "You've no right to talk to me like that! You're not my damn mother!" William shouted back angrily, only the thin air and his dignity holding him back from knocking her into the snow. "Do not swear at me, Afton." [____] said, her face red and her eyes moments from tears. "I will swear if i want. Now, I'm going to ask Henry if he wants to come to dinner with us, do not interfere." William glared, his gaze practically boring through his wife. He promptly walked away, his wife breaking down behind him. 

"Henry, would you like to accompany me and my family to dinner tonight?" William wrapped an arm around Henry, leaning into his neck and nuzzling softly. "Is your wife okay with it? I-I wouldn't like to barge in with her not being okay with it." Henry ignored William's advances. "Oh she's fine. It's mostly for the kids anyways." William said, wrapping his other arm around him with his hand slowly reaching lower and lower. "Ah-Will! S-Stop that!" Henry gasped, all air had seemingly vanished as he spun and faced William. "If you don't want it just say it, darling." William held Henry's hips, smiling slyly and tickling him. He finally gave a teasing grin and commented on Henry's complaints. Henry gripped William's arms. His mouth fell open as he looked at William, trying to process what was happening. His skin felt cold, his heart skipped a beat. He froze, fear slowly replaced with annoyance. His eyes narrowed at William. "William, stop! We can't!" Henry said, softly shoving William away. "But you want it, don't you?" William pulled Henry close and kissed his forehead. "Will! You have a WIFE." Henry exclaimed, shoving William away and walking off a distance. "Henry..!" William shouted, gripping Henry's wrist and holding him in place. 

"I-I-I love you, Hen..I always have, throughout high-school, even your wedding day, I dreaded it, and I was longing to stop it, to stop you, I know I could've, but I didn't, I love you, Henry Emily." 

William was seconds from tears, and he was ecstatic when Henry pulled him close. 

"I never knew, William, I-It's not like I wanted to m-marry her, but I didn't think I would've been much happier with you, William. I would've said no, but i didn't think you would feel the same." 

Henry stammered out quickly, stepping towards William. William hugged Henry and kissed his forehead. "I love you, Henry." William whispered, kissed Henry and smiled. Henry giggled and pecked William on the cheek. 

"I love you, Henry." 

"I love you too, William."

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