chapter five

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The grass ticked her feet, running through the garden and holding onto her flower crown she wore, running away from Regulus in a game they invited; they decided to call it tag the loser. She decided to not wear any shoes when running outside, hearing her heart beat through her eyes and mildly screaming at the same time as her white dress she wore around the house gets dirty at the bottom.

"How are you so fast!" Regulus panted, poor twelve year old not keeping up. "This is good fitness for quidditch tryouts!" Nora reminded; hearing the boy grunt before going again, not looking back to see him hunched over and tired. The Black garden could go on for miles, having their own little trail to get to other Pureblood houses without being noticed by the muggles, charming it and making it seem like it's gated off.

Nora didn't mind about the fact regulus got tired too quickly, looking down and realizing her mother would flip her lid if she saw what happened, especially having naked feet, feeling a little rebellious by it. Regulus too had done the same thing, ready to collapse on the ground as Orion was sitting on a chair and reading the daily prophet.

"Father what time is it?" Nora asked, coming over and picking regulus up so the two could walk over. "Almost three daughter, Regulus go get ready so we can get you new pants for school." Orion spoke up, checking his watch and sighing to see Nora be dirty.

"Go fix yourself before your mother throws a fit, you're a girl, start acting like one." He hissed, disappointed and folding his newspaper, patting Regulus on the back to go back inside. She felt her stomach hurt a little, girls can't play and get a little dirty? Nora never saw that side of her father in a while, always trying to be on his hood side since he didn't want to keep Nora, an heiress? There was no point.

Sitting on the porch swing and seeing green flames through one of the windows, Nora turned to see a bird stare her down, starting to caw at her. "Looks like someone is in a bad mood." She mumbled staring at the bird— wondering what type it was. The bird started to caw again, louder and seemed like it had some anger behind it. "Well excuse me, but I don't appreciate the tone you're giving me, you sound like my mother."

All of a sudden the bird stopped and almost looked offended, Nora couldn't help but feel like she should apologize, hearing a laugh behind one of the bushes near by the gate to the path, getting scared.

"Sirius is that you?" Nora yelled out, looking at the bird and thinking it was one of their friends. She gasped too loud to see the person she loathed with every inch of her body.

"I come in peace Nora." James Potter raised his hands in defence, then stuffing them into his jacket pocket. "How are you darling?" He smiled.

His curly hair was gone, being flat and now a little bit in his face, he was taller, having that face grow into a smile when he came to see how Nora was embarrassed. It wasn't because of the way he saw her yell at a bird, it was because of he was there to see her being yelled at and not acting like a lady.

"What the hell are you doing here potter? My mother is right inside and could literally kill you." Nora yelled, running down off the porch to get a closer look at the boy. "I'm here for your brother— clearly." Potter stated, walking towards her.

"Get out of here, you don't belong here." Nora threatened; gritting when she talk. "And? Your brother doesn't belong here either, I'm helping him get away from this lovely home." His sarcasm made her want to punch him, Sirius was of course happy here, they all were.

"You're pathetic James Potter, absolutely pathetic." Nora scoffed, deciding enough was enough and to leave. She heard potter mumble something else, walking up the porch stairs and seeing Sirius open the door. The two stared at each other as they walked past one another, feeling as if the world was going to stop.

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