chapter sixty

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There was something in the muggle world, celebrating love and only love on February 14th, spreading love to those who have boyfriends, girlfriends, husbands or wives. It was a day to be romantic and nothing else, that's how Nora has been understanding that holiday.

But it just wasn't the muggle world, it was also the wizarding world, everywhere she looked, she witnessed partners being affectionate with one another. She and Atticus used to make fun of those, sitting in hogsmeade and mocking others, but this year she could be one of those couples in hogsmeade, in a relationship with her brothers best friend, not difficult at all.

"Where are you taking Mcdonald?" Evan asked, the four currently eating breakfast together and talking about their plans. "Going to one of those restaurants, they're really in the valentines mood." Nora looked the boy up and down, seeing how fancy he was dressed for her, thankfully this holiday also landed on a Hogsmeade trip.

"How cute." Nora admired his efforts, patting him on the back. "But remember one thing—"

"Yes I already know, pay for the food to be a gentleman." Atticus said, remembering what they rehearsed last night when they do on dates. Nora nodded at the boy, turning to
van and regulus to see their plans. "Oh uh, I, I have a date yes." Regulus mumbled; loud enough for the three to cheer for him.

"Who is it?" Nora asked, wiggling her eyebrows. "Don't ask him that, he's already nervous as it is." Atticus told his best friend, hitting her arm.

"I can't be a nosy sister, for once?" Nora scoffed, hitting Atticus in the head, knowing if she touched his jacket it wouldn't end pretty for either of them.

"It's nothing romantic, Reggie and I are going to double date with Pandora Parkinson and Amber... what was her last name again?" Rolling her eyes at Evan, the two bid Nora a goodbye before getting out of their seats, Atticus creating contact with Mary and also leaving Nora to be alone, eating her bagel.

"Oh, look whose alone for once." Munching on her food and turning to see Severus scoot over to sit in front of her, Nora swallowed her food, giving Snape the middle finger.

"Says you," she scoffed, rolling her eyes. Nora knew she regretted saying that, watching Severus look over to the Gryffindor table to stare at someone particular.

"You regret what you said don't you?" Nora asked, Severus' eyes shifting back to the girl in front of her, guilt written all over her face. "She was my best friend. So yeah I regret it." He sassed, taking a strawberry off Noras plate.

"Well, it's your own damn fault." She told him, shrugging her shoulders. Severus shook his head, scoffing at the naive girl, a smug look on his face. "May I remind you, your ex-boyfriend was the cause of it all." Severus said, Nora furrowing her eyebrows.

"But he didn't cause you to call Redhead a.. y'know." She never had the guts to say the word, her mouth always twitching, even if she just wanted to see how it sounded, something in her always stopped her mouth from working.

"Yeah but—"

"Oi black," turning around to see Ravi Patil come over, Nora was a little confused why he was going to talk to her, handing her a little note.  Nora looked at Severus, the lad shrugging his shoulders as Nora looked back at Patil. "I was told to give this to you." He said, wiggling his eyebrows at her.

"Did you read the—"

"I most certainly did." Patil cut her off, walking away to let her deal with the note. Nora knew it was from James, wondering what he had in mind to make Patil do a weird gesture.

"What does it say?" Severus eager to know, Nora cupping her hand over the parchment to prevent Severus from getting it, reading what it says.

Meet me at the Black lake

IN RUINS- James Potter[1]Where stories live. Discover now