chapter one hundred and thirty three

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Her wedding day, she never dreamed of one, so all expectations were fully up to her, and it's exactly how she imagined it. James and Nora spent their last day as fiancés yesterday, knowing they were soon husband and wife, giggling at the name of Nora Black-Potter.

She wanted to keep her last name, knowing a part of her will always be appreciative of her mother and father and those who came before her, knowing that was the last connection she has with Regulus, that chair in the front dedicated to him.

The two didn't have a lot of family left, being able to invite Narcissa who was happy about her marriage, outside with her friends as Atticus and Evan nervously pace back and forth in her room.

"Will you two calm down? Everything is fine." Nora reminded them, Evan biting his nails. "Ah I'm nervous." He said to the two, Nora grimacing at him.

"You're not the one getting married, you weirdo." Atticus said, holding Nora's flowers. "Evan take deep breaths, everything will be okay." Nora said through the mirror; watching him nearly faint.

"Can you please get a grip?" Nora heard Atticus whisper to the boy, smiling a little when she stood up, ready to put her dress on. "Okay out." She said, turning to unzip her dress that was still in the bag, taking it down and staring at the white dress.

She was excited, excited to truly get her life in check, and marrying James is the best decision she's had in a very long time, putting it on without any more thinking.

The full length mirror made her giggle, watching her live out a fairytale she didn't think was possible until a year ago, covering her face and feeling emotional.

Fixing her hair in the way she wanted it, Nora heard chatter outside, all waiting in anticipation, the door slowly opening with everyone dropping their jaws to the floors.

"Merlin's tit! You look beautiful." Betty said, wearing a blood red silky dress as a bridesmaid, Elena as well, both holding green flowers to match the house colours James and Nora were.

Shutting the door behind her, Nora could see everyone taking their seat outside, a black carpet outside for her to walk down to, Rabastan and Theo ready to take her down the stairs.

"Only get married once." Rabastan told her, Theo rolling his eyes at the comment. "Seriously? That's what you want to say to her?" He asked, Nora giggling, not caring what they wanted to say, finally marrying the boy of her dreams.

Swallowing the lump in her throat, the big doors towards the backyard opened, Evan walking with Elena down the aisle, Betty and Atticus soon after. She could see James in the distance, knowing he was already crying, beginning to walk together.

Nora was prepared to wear heels, both arms wrapped around the two boys with her red roses, everyone standing up for her. Her heart was beating out of her chest, recognizing everyone from James' side, Lily, Mary, Frank and Alice. He had a few relatives that were standing with Euphemia and Fleamont, tears in both of their eyes.

Looking at her side, Narcissa and Lucius stood proudly beside rodulphus, Pandora and her boyfriend Xenophilous, Theo's sister, Damon with his girlfriend, and Cassie Carrow, the blonde giving her a thumbs up and a wink. Nora was surprised when she saw Severus smiling for her in the back, the girl appreciating his being.

There were two chairs in front for both James and Nora, one dedicated to Marlene and the other for Regulus, knowing they would've loved this wedding, smiling at Remus and Sirius beside James who was already a wreck.

Nora couldn't even hear the wedding officiant, her thoughts and excitement taking over, trying to contain themselves a little, staring at James.

"Nora? I'm assuming you two wrote your own vows?" He asked, Nora blinking and looking at Atticus, handing her the parchment of vows, James widening his eyes.

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