chapter fifty eight

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Yelling, it's a good stress reliever at times. especially when your names are Damon, Theodore and James, yelling at a girl to hurry and pick up the pace while flying a broom and hitting quaffles. For the past three and a half weeks. Nora was training with a bunch of idiots who were obsessed with quidditch, exhausted to the point where she passed out and laid on the pitch without anyone knowing, thinking she was still in the sky.

Much to Noras lack of begging Dumbledore to not allow the daily prophet at the game, her prayers were not answered. Walking downstairs after tying her hair into a ponytail and wearing an extra slytherin Quidditch jumper, roars of cheers and a big flash almost blinded Nora, losing sight for a moment.

"Ladies and gentlemen! Today you will witness your favourite slytherin princess, play Slytherin verses Ravenclaw in a  quidditch match!" Theodore said, grabbing Nora's arm to raise in the air, more roars of cheers erupting in the common room.

It took a moment for Nora's eyes to adjust to the flash, Nora smiled towards the crowd, her eyes went towards her professor, walking over to him as Slughorn stopped clapping. "I'm assuming Headmaster Dumbledore did not listen to me?" She asked, needing some sort of confirmation.

"Oh he did, but I told him this would be very good for slytherin, especially in these troubling times my dear. Mr.Avery and Nott have told me how prepared you are, it was only best this moment be captured." Her eyes twitched a little, biting her bottom lip and ignoring the god awful chant, leaving the common room for breakfast.

"If she even asks me a question, I'll shove the quill far up her arse." Nora muttered to regulus, walking with her brother to breakfast, matching with him, Atticus and Evan. "Skeeter already asked us questions. She's a real brain fuck." Atticus told the girl, walking up many stairs and making her way into the great hall.

She was lucky enough to not see a lot of people eating breakfast, only those who wanted to get up and watch the match so early in the morning. Her eyes wandered to Sirius and James, both sitting there so proud at Nora, her face flushed with embarrassment, walking over to sit down.

The quidditch team all sat down together, beginning to eat. Noras stomach was hurting too much, the nerves getting the best of her. "Is it too late to punch Sirius for doing this?" Nora asked regulus, both staring at him.

"Didn't you already slap him yesterday?" Evan asked, scarfing down a bagel. "Yes, but I'm afraid it wasn't hard enough. He's still smiling at me." Nora muttered, her eyes narrowing towards Sirius, grabbing a knife so he could stop, quickly bothering Lupin on his left.

"Is it too late to leave?" Nora asked, Theodore looking over. "Yes now shut up and eat." He waved her off, eating grapes. Frowning and leaning on Regulus' shoulder, Nora was having cold feet, looking to see Dumbledore talking to Rita skeeter, only making me more nervous, avoiding eye contact with the two.

"Wouldn't this be good for us? As Slytherins? if anything it'll throw off some people seeing the kids of death eaters celebrate a female playing on the slytherin team? I mean come on." Evan said, munching on food.

Picking her head up off regulus' shoulder, Nora looked at Evan, proud with his logic, a little stunned. "Evan! You could be right! So now we have to win. To show people the true us and not what they show." Nora said with glee, looking at Atticus who agreed with the lad.

"I can be smart." Evan said nonchalantly, receiving a fruit to  uthe face by regulus. "Where's this mindset for your exams?" Regulus joked, eating a piece of toast. Nora was too nervous to laugh with her brother, wanting to find a way if she was able to escape, regulus putting his palm over her hand.

"Nora you can't escape. Just play like you did with Gryffindor." He told his sister, shining a smile on his face. Noras face relaxed, happy to see regulus in a good mood, her eyes softening towards him. "Alright fine. But only because you look cute in that jumper." She teased, grabbing his cheeks.

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