chapter twenty six

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"Atticus... i will not feed you like I'm your mother!" Nora whined, sitting on one of the hospital beds as Betty fixes his pillow. Quidditch practise went side ways when both Evan and Atticus clashed into each other while it was raining, both having mild concussions that could last over a month.

"Please? Mother used to do the choo-choo train one." Atticus whined, having his eyes closed as the lights were turned off. Beside his bed, Evan was taking a nap as regulus sat on the edge of his bed and made sure he was doing okay, putting his favourite candies on the tables.

"The fuck is that?" Betty asked in a concerning tone; looking at the siblings who would obviously not know. "Our mother doesn't even acknowledge that we're breathing." Said regulus, getting a look from his older sister. Atticus tried to not laugh, snorting a little as Betty slapped his arm.

Grabbing another piece of the toast, Nora pretended she was going to feed it to Atticus, making it go into Betty's direction instead; not having the poor concussed boy realize. Atticus finally opened his eyes when he heard the fork hit Betty's teeth, gasping loudly.

Eating the strawberries, Nora actually fed the boy before he dismissed them and let them go to their classes. "Have fun with Evan." Regulus said before he handed Nora their bags before leaving.

"Are you sure he's breathing?" Atticus yelled as Nora blew him a kiss goodbye and shutting the doors on him.

Waving Betty a goodbye as she had Transfiguration with the Ravenclaws, Nora could tell something was on regulus' mind, nudging him. "Deep thinker, what's on your mind?" She delicately asked, seeing what was wrong. "It's just Barty, he's been acting strange."

Nora did wonder what ever happened with the situation of his mother wanting him to be death eater while his father works against them; having a literal snitch in their family. "Does he uh.. have it?" Nora whispered, quickly getting a defensive No from Regulus.

"He doesn't have it."

"Have you seen his arms?"

"What friend just stares at their friends arm?" Regulus asks in a smart-ass tone. "I look at Betty's all the time." Nora said back to him, rolling her eyes. "You know what I mean, if there's no physical evidence, then he should be okay Reggie." Nora reassured, rubbing his back as they saw Sirius, James and Peter Pettigrew come towards them.

"What the hell are you two doing in the hospital wing?" Sirius gasped as he tried to figure out what was wrong with them.

Nora saw the way James smiled brightly once he got closer to him and proceeded to stand near her whole Pettigrew was getting an awful stare from the younger Black.

"We're fine, we were checking up on Evan and Atticus. They might be out for the game." Nora said to her twin, telling him they were fine regardless. Regulus rolled his eyes when he saw the boys try to not smirk when they have two players down.

Nora hesitated to speak again when regulus and Sirius were closer to each other, it made her have her wand out of her boot just in case either of them made a move. "Don't act you care about us." Regulus spat, shaking his head and looking at Nora.

James too, had the same reaction. It wasn't like either of them were going to harm the other. "You have a lot of nerve to say that Reggie."

"It's Regulus for you." Regulus gritted, putting his hand into a first. "Alright, enough of this." Nora said. Finally having enough, Nora grabbed Regulus, shaking her head at Sirius who wanted to fight her brother in the first place. "See you around Reggie."

Nora felt the way Regulus tensed up, it looked like he was going to break down any minute. Brushing Nora's hands off his shoulders, regulus walked away and told her to not follow him. As an older sister she wasn't going to, but as his best friend, she wanted to run and make him feel comforted in the arms of someone he loves.

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