chapter one hundred and thirty two

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Sitting in a cafe was peaceful, watching muggles come and go with their coffee or refresher. Nora had gotten there first for James and her, sitting down and meeting with Moira, looking at the last final batches of houses before they finally commit.

The two had already seen enough, however just to be sure, there were two left, finally in godrics hallow now for sale, knowing that was the place they wnated to be in. Her bare legs were not liking the cold wind that kept coming in when the door opened, but she finally saw a familiar face.

James and Nora seemed to be in sync more than ever; staring at her with a smirk on his face as he came to see her spot and the clothes she decided to wear. In truth, living under the same roof made things more tense, not argumentative wise, but other things.

Never experiencing something like this before, he didn't even need to speak to her as the smirk never went away, coming to sit down as their legs intertwined with each other. She felt herself get goosebumps, feel much warmer than she should be feeling, sipping her coffee.

Most days they didn't even need to speak, their eyes twinkling of excitement sometimes, or annoyed until they meet once again. They weren't even married yet and they knew each other better than anyone else.

She was finally experiencing true love.

Watching him sip his coffee, Nor looked past him for a glimpse moment, Moira waving at her and having papers in her hands, Nora keeping her legs around his. "Hi Moira." James said, the blonde in a huff as she laid out the photos of each houses, about to explain how many bedrooms and toilets for them.

"I know you two have been wanting to be in godrics hallow and I know I've been beating around the bush on that. Bur these two offers have come in, the owners not wanting to be there anymore.  To save time I will drive you to explain more things."

Grabbing their drinks and asking Moira if she wanted one, the older lady kindly rejected, grabbing her keys and heading into her car. Both sitting in the back, their hands had been intertwined the entire time, faces both red as James rubs his thumb on the back of her hand, showing off her ring.

She was effortlessly beautiful, and he admired that so much, there were other things that James appreciated about Nora, but just seeing her happier than how she was for the last couple years he's seen her, is like walking on the moon.

Arriving to the house and immediately falling in love with it, the outside was painted black, Nora especially liking that than how it was portrayed in Moira's photos. "How's your little brother taking your move? Cant be happy his siblings have moved out." Moira asked, getting out of the car wirh James and Nora following.

"Oh yeah, hes not entirely happy but he'll get over it." Nora said, her heart aching for a moment to talk about regulus as if he was still here, this random lady not needing to know he's dead.

Feeling him rub her back, Nora's face got warmer when the two stepped inside, immediately falling in love with the place. Having carpet as a dream, Nora took her shoes off as she followed Moira into the place, listening to the lady talk all about open concept whereas the couple didn't know what that meant.

The walls were white, kitchen was big, but an upside was five bedrooms upstairs, the master bedroom being the equivalent size to her old room in Grimmauld— which was quite big to even begin with.

"There's even a balcony." Nora told James, both stepping onto it, the cold air hitting their faces. Moira had still been downstairs as James stood behind his fiancé, her face going red again.

IN RUINS- James Potter[1]Where stories live. Discover now