chapter thirty nine

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WARNING: my version of the prank chapter.

For a moment, it felt like the whole world had stopped, regaining consciousness as she felt a ringing in her ears, her head pounding to the point she couldn't open her eyes, faintly seeing a ceiling, not sure where she was. She was scared to move, her arm feeling itchy and wincing when she wanted to scratch it.

Her arm was broken.

Panic washed over Nora's face, groaning out loud when she tried to sit up, a cry escaping her lips. Noras' chest felt tight, her head being pushed back down onto the pillow she was using. "Miss. Black,  you mustn't move." Muffled a voice; not understanding who it was, her ears being blocked, wondering if she was about to die

Noras mouth felt dry, focusing on her breaths and making herself calm down before she went crazy, pressing her lips into a fine line. "I... I want water." Nora croaked out, her throat hurting and being strained. Her eyes glistened with tears, desperate to hear someone, closing her eyes again to not feel the pain.

"Not right now, you need to sleep sweetheart." Nora winced, trying to nod, trying to figure out where the hell she was still, a tear rolling down her face.


Nora Black was many things, a sister, a friend, a classmate and a daughter, and yet somehow she always felt like a disappointment in everyone else's eyes. Her needs were never considered, being a second thought to everyone else. She was never number one, and she accepted that a young age; but you think after your eldest son doesn't get into slytherin; you'd pay attention to the second or third child... right?

Stabbing her mashed potatoes and trying to not let her anger get the best of her, Nora chose to read her book, clenching her jaw as she refused to look up at the Gryffindor table to give Sirius the middle finger.

"Nora... are you okay?" Regulus asked, a little worried when she realized his sister hasn't talked once. Nora came back to reality for a split second, looking up at putting on a smile for him and his friend, nodding. "I'm fine, my book is really good." She lied, going back to it.

"It's upside down." Atticus whispered into her ear, catching her off guard, quickly flipping it and hoping they didn't see her little slip up. Chatters around Nora started get louder, more students taking their seats and enjoying the feast that was in front of them. She wasn't particularly too hungry this evening, wishing she could redo the day where she didn't involve herself to associate with Sirius.

Nora wasn't in a very chatty mood, hearing his brothers laugh through the waves of other laughters made her know he was never going to change, being the new Sirius that everyone seems to love. It made her sick, and in this moment it would've been nice to go over and just chop all of his precious hair off, hitting him where the sun doesn't shine.

She smiled in a devilish manner, letting the voice in her head win this battle, trying to concentrate on her book than be bothered by a group of Gryffindor, not to mention a secret person being on both sides of the war between the two siblings.

It made it harder for Nora to understand she could trust James no matter what, his warm touch and his soothing voice could always calm her down no matter what, however was that all she needed? Did she not need more? She always thought she wouldn't be able to see that type of love; only reading it in books.

But there James was, noticing Nora from afar, winking at her subtlety once again, blushing as she looked up from her book, feeling his presence from two tables over.

IN RUINS- James Potter[1]Where stories live. Discover now