chapter eighty nine

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A week and a half, that's all she had until she were back at home, throwing up three times in the span of one day, practically spending her free period in the abandoned bathroom with Atticus holding her hair back every time, barely eating.

There was guilt that was building up faster than ever, her stomach not being able to handle anything anymore. Atticus was growing worried however Nora didn't want to hear his opinions as to why, pretending to everyone else it was just food poisoning.

"I said I'm fine—" every time she were to convince someone she would throw up again, hating this feeling of guilt and secrets; needing to tell someone and yet didn't know who. She was struggling to pay attention in charms class, Atticus and her barely focusing on whatever Flitwick was saying.

"Nora, you can't keep saying it's food poison if nobody else has it." Atticus told her, Nora pretending to write notes down. "Don't you think I know that?" She hissed, her head facing down.

"No need to get sassy." Atticus told her, putting his hands in the air to get her to defend himself. Being saved by the bell, Nora got up with Atticus slowly trailing beside her, wanting to be there in case she were to puke again.

Walking towards her next class, Nora saw the way Sirius was obviously arguing with Professor McGonagall, wondering what that was about until she heard her called her name, Atticus pushing her to go back and see.

"Yes?" She asked, Sirius groaning. "Minnie please, she threatens you to study! I've seen it on James." Sirius cried out; Nora smirking at her study techniques to make the person focus.

"And Mr.Potter has shown miraculous improvement, it's time for you too— again." McGonagall sighed, shaking her head as she let the two siblings discuss. Nora knew why she did that, watching her professor walk away with a smile on her face, continuing to look at them before going into her own class.

"If it helps you, Lupin is teaching me transfiguration properly, and I'm teaching potter ancient runes— we'll do a giant study group. It'll be fun." Nora said, getting a little too excited with this plan, jumping up and down.

Sirius couldn't help but join in with her jumping, forgetting the fact he'll have to be studying with her, holding their hands together. "Wait— you tricked me." Sirius said, not jumping anymore. "We'll use potters dorm because we'll just get kicked out of the library."

Patting her brother a goodbye, Nora saw Atticus waiting for her and leaning on the wall, not liking the giddy look on her face. "Oh no, what are scheming?" He asked, walking with her. "We're going to have a study day, you me, Sirius, James, Lupin and pettigrew." Nora said, turning the corner.

"Why are we doing that?" Atticus asked, still holding her bag. "It's time you socialize with James, it'll be nice." Nora told him, not liking the look on his face.

"Oh come on, I spend time with Patil, it's only fair you return the favour." Nora told him, Atticus still making a face. She knew he would listen to her anyways, making their way to history of magic as Nora was excited for this, gasping when she saw regulus talking to Lucy Greengrass.

"Oh my days, that's her?" Atticus asked, both hiding against a wall and seeing them having an important conversation, wishing they were closer. "Awe, so cute." Nora said, still having how her mother was about to force an arranged marriage on regulus.

"Why does she look so mad?" Nora asked, Atticus holding her shirt to not have her fall forward. "If I could see I would know." He sassed.

Nora saw the way both of them had a smirk on their faces before walking away, pretending to talk to Atticus as she saw her brother walking this way. "You two are terrible spies by the way." He said, not phased at how they spotted him.

IN RUINS- James Potter[1]Where stories live. Discover now